I have none of the typical ramen nostalgia/hate, since the last time I ate it I was maybe seven years old. I hate the stuff, and in any case was far too uppity in college to eat anything that would label me a “typical college student.” Still, good for Mr. Ando for making his millions 25 cents at a time. Too bad that eating too much of that sodium-filled shit probably contributed to his eventual demise.
Hey, the dude lives to 96. I he ate his own stuff, it would seem to not hurt longevity much :)
I have none of the typical ramen nostalgia/hate, since the last time I ate it I was maybe seven years old. I hate the stuff, and in any case was far too uppity in college to eat anything that would label me a “typical college student.” Still, good for Mr. Ando for making his millions 25 cents at a time. Too bad that eating too much of that sodium-filled shit probably contributed to his eventual demise.
Hey, the dude lives to 96. I he ate his own stuff, it would seem to not hurt longevity much :)