Shocking news.  The Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board has discovered that operating more like a business than a government agency leads to more profits and increased sales! Who knew?  I also like this development:
The PLCB is also pushing to allow convenience stores to be licensed to sell takeout beer.
Last week, the state Supreme Court announced it would consider whether a Sheetz convenience store in Altoona may sell beer to go without also allowing its customers to drink on premises, as was required by an earlier Commonwealth Court opinion.
The case is considered a test as to whether convenience stores statewide will be able to begin selling beer to go.
It would be nice to be able to buy beer in convenience stores, or license beer takeout places.  Our laws in this regard have been antiquated and need to change. But look who’s protesting?
Such a move would give the agency more license revenue, but it is being opposed by beer industry representatives, who say it would be unfair competition to beer distributors.
So to the beer industry in Pennsylvania, any competition is “unfair”. What a crock. These guys make me happy I brew my own beer.