If there’s one talent that John Street has, it’s passing the buck. With two new shootings of police officers in the city, and a sixteen year old drug dealing low-life in custody, there’s no failure of his administration that Street seems unwilling to blame on Harrisburg.
Street and Johnson said the latest round of police-targeted violence underscored the need for stricter gun laws.
Street called on Washington and Harrisburg to react.
“They’re not getting the message,” he said of federal and state legislators who have failed to pass tougher gun-control legislation.
But he also said the city was making “progress” in the fight against violence.
“We’re actually making progress, but we’re not getting the help we need,” Street said. “This city is rallying. . . . It’s an uphill and difficult task, but we’re having great success.”
Pushing for gun control is the last refuge of scoundrels, and Street and Johnson definitely fit that description.  What law do they imagine would have stopped this shooting? Make it illegal for 16 year olds to possess a gun? It already is. Make it illegal for someone to give a 16 year old a gun? It already is. Make it illegal to possess a gun while dealing drugs? It already is. What new gun law do they imagine is going to fix this problem?
There isn’t one. Street is passing the buck and the morons who work for the Philadelphia media establishment are letting them get away with it. John Street has been a disaster for the City of Philadelphia, but that story doesn’t get told, because it’s easier just to blame Harrisburg for the “gun” problem, and the media seems to be fine with that explanation.