I have to offer congratulations to Congressman Ron Paul for raising more money in a single day than any of the other Republican candidates. I agree with Bitter that fund raising success won’t necessarily translate into electoral success, but it better at least signal to the Republican establishment that libertarian ideals, and a committed and passionate stand in favor of them can bring something to the table.
I am still a Fred Thompson supporter, but to be honest, I was expecting Fred to hit the ground running once he announced, and lately, it just kind of seems like he’s phoning it in. I’m not sure Fred is going to make it, and given the choice between Ron Paul, Guiliani, Romney, or registering as a Democrat to vote for Richardson, Ron Paul is starting to look better and better.
To be honest, if there weren’t a war going on, it wouldn’t even be a question, but there is. I elect a President with two major considerations; who they are going to put on the Supreme Court, and their foreign policy. I think I dig Ron Paul on the former, but his views on the latter scare me. But then again, this might end up just being a message to the Republican Party that I’m sick of their crap, and want something different.