“Go Time!”

That was Uncle’s statement to me in an e-mail, in reaction to the Supreme Court agreeing to take Heller.  What kind of things would be useful to do between now and then?  I have some ideas for our gun rights organizations to consider.

The Supreme Court is supposed to be non-political, but we all know that’s a half-truth.  The fact is, The Courts in the latter part of the last century were very reluctant to interfere with the exercise of legislative power.  We want the justices on The Court to have some idea what the sentiment of Congress is.

What I would propose is to lobby Congress to pass a non-binding (meaning not law) resolution stating that it’s the opinion of the lawmakers that the second amendment protects an individual right.  That would put the legislative branch in agreement with the executive branch, and give any possible fence sitters on the court some breathing room.  It would also serve to get certain politicians on record (*cough* Hillary *cough*) as to how they stand on the second amendment.

Why would Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic leadership in Congress support such a measure?   Because if the Supreme Court rules the wrong way in the Heller case, they can kiss goodbye their ambitions for taking the White House in 2008.  Gun control will be on top of the agenda, and whether their nominee is Hillary or Obama, a Republican who touts that he will put conservative justices on The Court will look a lot better in comparison to either of those two.  Democrats are not going to want this issue to come to a boil in 2008, so I think they could be convinced to pass something like this.

What say you all?

We’re Going to the Supreme Court

SCOTUSBlog has it.  Great news, but I’m going to be crapping thumbtacks over this until we get a positive ruling.

 After a hiatus of 68 years, the Supreme Court on Tuesday agreed to rule on the meaning of the Second Amendment — the hotly contested part of the Constitution that guarantees “a right to keep and bear arms.”  Not since 1939 has the Court heard a case directly testing the Amendment’s scope — and there is a debate about whether it actually decided anything in that earlier ruling. In a sense, the Court may well be writing on a clean slate if it, in the end, decides the ultimate question: does the Second Amendment guarantee an individual right to have a gun for private use, or does it only guarantee a collective right to have guns in an organized military force such as a state National Guard unit?

Read the whole thing.

The Tabled Bill

H.B. 29, the lost and stolen provision, was tabled by the legislature:

The committee tabled a measure that would have required gun owners to report to police immediately any gun that was lost or stolen. Owners could face fines or even jail time if they failed to do so. Mr. Rendell said such a reporting requirement would go a long way toward stopping “straw purchasers,” people without a police record who are paid money by criminals to buy guns for them.

Technically, tabling the bill keeps it alive. Rep. Dan Frankel, D-Squirrel Hill, who supported all the bills, said there was some concern among some members that a law-abiding gun owner could face jail time if he or she unintentionally misplaced a gun or failed to report a lost weapon to police. He said the bill may be amended and brought up for a vote sometime later.

There’s very little way they could change this bill to make it acceptable to me.  The more protections for lawful gun owners that get put in it, the weaker its usefulness is as a tool to go after people suspected of straw purchasing, and the case for this bill is already very weak.  If someone is guilty of straw purchasing, they should be charged with that.  This bill will always have the potential to punish honest gun owners along with criminals.

Scratch Three Down in Flames

We have successfully killed Rendell’s gun controlling ambitions in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the time being.  The “Lost and Stolen”, H.B. 29 was tabled.   The remaining two, H.B. 18 weakning state preemption, and H.B. 22 “One-Gun-a-Month” were outright voted down.

Quotes from the Governor

Don’t tell me it’s because our justice system is weak. It’s because there are too many guns out there in the hands of the wrong people, And putting those people in jail is one of the answers, but it is not the only answer.

– Governor Ed Rendell, 11/19/2007

In Ed’s world, the other part of the equation is putting you in jail, which is exactly what his bill on reporting lost and stolen guns will have the potential to do if the innocent gun owner gets caught unaware if this obscure law ends up on the books.

Remember, they want this law to punish people they suspect of straw purchasing, but can’t prove it. You just better hope the authorities never suspect you of being a straw purchaser after someone uses one of your stolen firearms in a crime.  You could be caught unaware like a dolphin in the Governor’s tuna net of a bill.

More Quotes From Philly Politicians

“To some extent, we need to create a public policy saying we want to cut down on the availability of guns,” Rep. Myers told The Bulletin. “I really can’t even imagine where I would store 12 guns in my house in a year.”

So his goal is to make guns less available to you and me. At least he’s honest. I’ve run afoul of a potential one-gun-a-month law a few times in my life. I’m not interested in seeing that which shall not be questioned be questioned by the likes of Representative Myers so he and every other Philadelphia politician can continue to deflect blame for their own failures.   If that wasn’t enough, the article I got that from has more:

“My bill would tell people that they must be responsible to report their guns lost or stolen,” the bill’s sponsor Rep. Jewell Williams (D-Philadelphia) said. Gun owners “should be thankful” for it, he said, because it will extricate them from liability for paying a victim’s medical bills or punitive damages if their gun was used by another individual.

If my firearm is stolen from me by a criminal, can Mr. Williams explain to me under what theory in a just and fair legal system I would be liable for the actions of that criminal?  I should be thankful to Mr. Williams to be relieved from liability I shouldn’t have in the first place?  Does Mr. Williams believe the victim of the crime is more responsible than the criminal that perpetrated it?

This is what the Philadelphia politicians think of you.  You are lower than a common thief in their eyes.  Give them nothing.   Make some phone calls.

The Vote

All the state reps on the Judiciary Committee have been contacted.  There are groups in Pennsylvania that are asking folks to show up in Harrisburg, which is a good idea if you can go.  Unfortunately, I cannot.  Other people in my group are out this week, and we’d be down too many people if I were gone, so it’s not an option for me.  I feel like I owe it to everyone to report on this, but I get paid to fix computers, not to blog.

Click here for more information on tomorrow’s events.  This is no time to get complacent.  I understand folks can’t easily make it to Harrisburg this close to the holiday, but try to make it if you can.  But definitely, if you do nothing else, make some phone calls opposing these bills.  It would be a sweet sweet victory, after Governor Rendell has pulled out all the stops, and taken extraordinary steps to go to bat for these bills, we still hand him a defeat.

City Comparisons

CQ Press has it’s ranking of most dangerous cities out. Bryan Miller loves to talk about how Pennsylvania’s gun laws are inadequate to helping Philadelphia solve its crime problems, and speaks glowingly of New Jersey’s gun laws.

Philadelphia is ranked 21st. Ahead of Philadelphia on the list of most dangerous cities is Newark, New Jersey, Camden, New Jersey, Baltimore, Maryland. Maryland already has the one gun per month law that Pennsylvania apparently needs so very badly to fight crime. Let’s look at the numbers:

New Jersey Cities with Populations Over 80,000. Crime Rate Per 100,000

City Violent Crime Rate Murder Rate
Newark 1011 37.38
Jersey City 1205 9.17
Paterson 1115 10
Elizabeth 710 13.5
Trenton 1504 21.25
Camden 2114 39.96


Pennsylvania Cities with Populations Over 80,000. Crime Rate Per 100,000

City Violent Crime Rate Murder Rate
Philadelphia 1562 27.72
Pittsburgh 1070 17.25
Allentown 1009 14.94
Erie 539 1.95
Reading 1237 12.36

For all Bryan Millers praise of New Jersey gun control laws, it doesn’t seem to have made New Jersey’s largest cities much safer than Pennsylvania’s largest cities. But I suppose surrendering liberty is worth it if it saves just one life right? It’s for the children after all. Also worthwhile is looking at stats for cities already using one-gun-per-month laws to combat crime:

City Violent Crime Rate Murder Rate
Baltimore, MD 1697 43.29
Richmond, VA 1043 38.83
Oakland, CA 1905 36.36

Clearly these cities are in need of more gun control. If it doesn’t work the first eight times you try it, just keep trying!