I’m pretty ho-hum about Mike Huckabee surging forward in the GOP primary. Marshall Manson talks about his feelings on Governor Huckabee, which echo a lot of my own. Here’s what he says in the article about Fred Thompson:
Like many conservatives, I had high hopes for Senator Thompson. Unfortunately, his campaign just hasn’t taken off. That’s in spite of the fact that he has presented some of the best policy proposals of any candidate in the race. I confess that I haven’t heard the Senator in person. But the collapse in support for his candidacy in Iowa and New Hampshire suggest that he hasn’t been particularly effective in communicating his message, either in person or through media. I was also disappointed in Thompson’s late summer staff purge, where he eliminated many of the minds behind innovative campaign that he seemed to be developing last spring. Instead, he’s embraced a fairly traditional campaign, but given his late start, he needed to do more, and his campaign now looks to be in trouble. I would be glad if Thompson recovered and made himself a factor for the nomination, but I’m not especially hopeful.
I’m pretty much feeling the same way. My understanding is that Fred is free falling in the polls, which is sorely disappointing. Except for a few areas, Thompson is about as good a candidate as I could hope for from the Republicans.
With Fred fizzling, and the Democratic primary increasingly looking like a race between Obama and Hillary, my registration as an independent is looking like it will stay in place for yet another primary cycle.  I’m still waiting, Republicans and Democrats, for someone worth voting for.