Apparently Always Think Forfeitures is one that someone at ATF wants to promote, as in Civil Asset Forfeiture, as in the government being able to take your property without due process.
Month: March 2008
Blogger Running for Office!
Looks like Clayton Cramer will be joining The Other Sebastian in running for public office. Clayton is a little socially conservative for my northeastern Republican political sensibilities, but I definitely wish him luck in securing a seat in the Idaho Senate. Maybe after this he can run for Larry Craig’s senate seat.
Women and Guns
Bitter takes apart a piece in my local paper that talks about the subject. The instructor interviewed in this article is the guy that runs the shop I do all my FFL transfers through, and handled Bitter’s CZ. Small world sometimes ain’t it?
Good thing Bitter is back at my house blogging, so I don’t have to.
Parallels to the Civil Rights Movement
Bitter has a bit up that talks about NAACP’s litigation strategy to attack Jim Crow, and points out the parallels to what gun owners will not be facing now that we’re executing a litigation strategy to restore the second amendment. At least I hope there’s a strategy. If there’s not, we need one.
ABC’s Lost
I knew Tom Friendly was gay! So it would seem that Ben’s people can move back and forth between The Island and the real world. I think the writers are thinking at this point we should be pondering that maybe Ben really is the good guy. He had Sayid Jarrah working for him, after all, I’m guessing talked into it by Michael, who isn’t one of the Oceanic Six, but just ended up back in the real world. I think Ben is still the bad guy. What’s the role of Alvar Hanso in all this? All we hear about now is Charles Widmore. All I can say is they better start answering questions soon instead of raising more and more of them :)
Also, that show that comes on after Lost, “Eli Stone”, is bloody awful. Seriously. Get some actual attorneys on your staff so the show can come up with realistic legal situations. Also, fire all the commies on the writing staff because their dirty hippy is showing, which means guys like me won’t watch it.
Ram Pin!
Silhouette tonight went well. Shot 10 rams in a row with Bitter’s CZ 452 Lux, which means another pin! I’m getting my average into the low 30s now on scoped sights with my 10/22. I’ve been shooting Bitter’s CZ in the open sights category, and have actually been doing better with that gun than I do with the Ruger. My average with her CZ isn’t as high yet because I have to shoot one more match to get rid of the first one where I hadn’t zeroed the sights. My scores have been consistently in the low 30s with Bitter’s CZ. I love that rifle. The open sights are very nice, and it just shoots beautifully. I only hope that one day she will get a chance to enjoy it too!
The Ram pin will certainly get a place of honor on my shooting hat. Pictures will be forthcoming.
Pro-Gun Progressive vs. Rebecca Peters
I almost missed this due to all the Heller buzz, but the other Sebastian actually debated Rebecca Peters, Queen of the International gun control movement, on Al-Jazeera. You can see video of it here. Good show!
Paul Helmke’s Heller Comments
You have to give the man one thing, he’s a master of delivery when it comes to Brady’s message:
Listen carefully, becuase Helmke is framing Brady’s post Heller strategy, which is getting as many gun laws as possible upheld as reasonable. Naturally we want to get as many of them thrown out as infringements.
Kimber Mauser Conversion Help
Rustmeister is blegging for some help in this area:
Have opportunity to buy a Kimber conversion of Swede M96 Mauser to 7.62NATO. Barrel cut down to Ranch rifle and forward sited scope mount permanently pinned into old leaf sight box (minus scope). Price is $250.00 tax & all. Anybody hear of anything about these Kimber conversions? And what scope would you suggest for a “ranch rifle”? Good deal? Bad deal?
If you can help him, head over and visit the comment section.
Legalizing Suppressors
Michael Bane suggests we make it a priority. I think it’s politically achievable, and a good idea.