An Amusing Line of Argument

Remember the gun related t-shirt incident in Pennsylvania we talked about a few days ago?  Dave Hardy reminds us that NRA fought one of these cases already, and had this to say:

NRA had one of those cases, and won it. Had some fun with the school, pointing out that every classroom has the Virginia flag in it. A flag that depicts a woman holding a spear, a corpse at her feet, and the motto Sic Semper Tyrannis. Oh, and for some reason she has one breast bare. So nobody is allowed to have an image of a weapon, yet in every classroom there is an official image of one, indeed a depiction of homicide, capped with a threat to do, and a bit of nudity!

So much for zero tolerance eh?

Elliot’s “Escort”

Apparently she has a MySpace page.  There are pics up, but you need to log in.  She’s not bad.  Great body.  Nice rack.  Would you pay thousands of bucks to hit it?  I wouldn’t.

UPDATE: Countertop has more, including the picture.

UPDATE: Christina the Stripper, a.k.a. “Ms. Moneymakers” points out in an instant message to me “You’re not really paying for HER. You’re, in theory, paying for a level of privacy/security in banging her.  You could get a girl of her caliber cheaper if you didn’t care about privacy.”

UPDATE: Oh well, she took her MySpace page down.  Can’t say I blame her.

Contraband Candy

How’s this for the bureaucratic nanny state:

Michael Sheridan was stripped of his title as class vice president, barred from attending an honors student dinner and suspended for a day after buying a bag of Skittles from a classmate.

School spokeswoman Catherine Sullivan-DeCarlo says the New Haven school system banned candy sales in 2003 as part of a districtwide school wellness policy.

Michael’s suspension has been reduced from three days to one, but he has not been reinstated as class vice president.

If you think it’s bad now, just wait until government bureaucrats are in charge of your health care.

Hat tip to Cam & Company

What Happens When You Don’t Fight

The police end up coming to your house to make sure you’re a good little boy responsible gun owner.

VICTORIAN police are planning a crackdown on gun owners. They are set to check whether 18,000 of the state’s registered gun owners have stored their firearms properly.

This is in the face of dropping violent crime using guns along with a drop in gun theft cases as well.  I’d hate to see what they’d institute if gun violence and thefts were on the upswing.

Superintendent Ashley said police would move to stronger enforcement of gun laws. He said it was not a “Big Brother” approach but rather police working with the community to ensure community safety.

The innocent have nothing to fear.  You know, even if you could prove to me that these types of methods actually did lower the violent crime rate, I wouldn’t care.  A society where the police can check up on me at will to ensure my compliance with “community safety” isn’t a society that’s free, and isn’t one I want to live in.

A City Created Danger

Philadelphia is continuing its campaign to act as if it is not part of the Commonwealth by exempting itself from our state’s laws.

Today’s hearing will focus on challenges to the lawsuit filed by the state House and Senate.

The hearing will be followed by an 11 a.m. gun-control rally in the City Hall courtyard.

The National Rifle Association has joined the case, opposing the city. C. Scott Shields, the NRA’s attorney, said the city is “doing an end-run” around Harrisburg.

“The argument is pretty ridiculous,” said Shields, adding that the city’s crime problem is not caused by guns. “It’s just that they don’t deal with it effectively.”

Philadelphia’s gun-control legislation, which Clarke resubmitted to Council in January for a new vote, would limit purchases of handguns to one a month, require gun owners to report lost or stolen guns to police, require a police-issued annual license to bring a gun into the city, allow police to confiscate guns from people considered a risk to themselves or others, ban semiautomatic weapons with clips that hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition and establish a registry of ammunition sales.

It’ll be interesting to see if they actually try to enforce any of this crap.  If they do, I would like to see Attorney General Corbett threaten city officials with Official Oppression charges if they do.  The state has to start getting tough with the City about protecting the fundamental rights of Pennsylvanians guaranteed by our constitution.

You Don’t Say

Guns are a hobby, like any other.  Combined with stories like this, of a Michigan reporter who learns how to shoot a gun, I’m beginning to wonder if the American media is not coming to terms with this nation’s shooting culture.  That would be a good thing for us, and a disaster for gun control advocates.

New Jersey Assault Gun

Thirdpower has a little fun at Bryan Miller’s expense.  Bryan frequently uses the term “assault gun” to describe that which is illegal in The Garden State.  Well, here’s what an assault gun really is.  Thirdpower’s version has the howitzer replaced with a Marlin Model 60, which are considered evil assault guns firearms in New Jersey.