They Meant to Ship Helicopter Parts

They ended up shipping fuses for nuclear warheads.  Ooops.  It’s one of those things, you have to wonder if it’s a legitimate mistake, or we’re (or were, rather) secretly arming Taiwan with nuclear weapons, and this whole story is a cover.

Lessons on Body Armor

A lot of non-gun folks don’t have a good understanding of body armor.  Too often you hear the term “bulletproof vest” bandied about, and that term is about the farthest from the truth as you can get.  There is no such thing as a bullet proof vest, only bullet resistant vests, and how much resistance you get depends on exactly what the vest is rated for.

An intrepid blogger actually did some real world experiments on this, to see what would penetrate and what wouldn’t.  The lowly .22 Magnum rimfire round fired from a rifle would seem to be enough to penetrate a level IIIA vest, which is considered sufficient to stop a .44 Magnum.  This seems surprising, but not really; penetration is always a matter of being small and fast.  I would like to see data on some other “pistol” rounds fired from rifles, to see what would happen there.  What about some of these hot small bore rimfire rounds like .17 HMR or .17 HM2?

Kevlar vests have been a lifesaver for law enforcement, but they aren’t magic.  They defend against the kind of threats cops are likely to encounter, but it’s important for folks to have an understanding of the technology, and its limitations.

Let’s Start a Pool

How long before Reasoned DiscourseTM commences?  I’ll give it a few weeks.

UPDATE: In the comments, it would appear that Reasoned Discourse has already commenced, as comments there would appear to be moderated.  That makes you wonder about this:

I came because of anger. But, I have stayed because of faith. A faith that tells me that love is stronger than hate. A faith in our cause that gives substance to our hopes for a safer society and makes us certain of realities we cannot see.

I would think someone that has faith in their cause wouldn’t be afraid of honest debate.  You also have to love the implication that they are the side of love, and we are the side of hate.