IHMSA match is this Sunday. Got my red dot pistol scope in the mail, mounted it on the Mk.III and got it zeroed. I shot a 24 with it, which is the best I’ve ever done on pistol. Now this is indoors, where we scale the animals down for 25 yards to approximate shooting them at the outdoor distances. I probably won’t be able to do quite as well outside, but I’m hoping. Twenty four isn’t getting anywhere close to our top shooters, but it’s beyond the realm of embarassment, when you consider I’m shooting a factory Ruger Mk.III Hunter, and not a fancy Thompson Contender, or Anschutz Exemplar.
I will be shooting both Field Pistol, with the S&W 629, Production, and Smallbore, Unlimited Any Sights. I may do Big Bore with a 629, Unlimited Standing, for kicks too, depending on how I’m shooting. This means I will be furiously reloading .44 Magnum and .44 Special for the next two days to get ready.