David pokes some fun at the McCain event held last Friday in Louisville. Yeah, I disarmed for McCain. Several people chose to watch from the NRA press office, where they had a feed, and you could be armed. Before the McCain event, I was open carrying around the press office and the exhibit hall. No one seemed to be too bothered, including the Louisville Police, the Secret Service, or the authorized journalists. David opines in the comments:
Blaming it all on the SS rings hollow. I believe NRA had a choice of saying “No thanks–do it all via TV feed if that’s your position,” and McCain also had the option of telling the SS who the boss is–which I cede is extremely unlikely.
If McCain and NRA wanted to turn some of this around, he would show up for an impromptu photo op at their range next to armed members. Does anyone honestly believe randomly present members would pose a danger? Because if so, the gun controllers argument that none of us can be trusted must be true. And quite the opposite statement would be made about the trustworthiness of peaceable gun owners if he did–a real in-your-face to the gungrabbers who portray NRA members as violent lunatics.
McCain was pretty unlikely to call off the secret service, but David is correct that he could have done so if he really wanted to. Given the speech he gave, it’s not too surprising he didn’t go out of his way to act like a true friend to gun owners. NRA then had a choice of telling McCain to bugger off, pissing off a lot of ticket holders, or just dealing with the Secret Service security. It’s one of those cases you’re not going to make everyone happy.
I also don’t think the security reflects too much on NRA members, because anyone could have gotten into that forum if they had a scalped ticket, or just outright forged credentials, which wouldn’t have been that hard for someone determined to get close enough to McCain to take a shot. Secret Service security centers around controlling the forum, rather than being concerned about specific individuals, unless they have a reason to be.
Based on what I was told, Secret Service was worried about the blogger creds, since people were being issued press credentials who weren’t actually press, but that problem was ironed out by NRA before we started arriving. There was definitely a lot of security theater going on, but in general, I thought the Secret Service was pretty accomodating of the fact that McCain was appearing in a location with thousands of armed people.