Firearms Rights For Adults

Well, they are old enough to tote fully automatic M4s around Iraq and Afghanistan, I don’t see why they shouldn’t be able to buy a pistol when they come home.  Thank you South Carolina Supreme Court for correctly ruling that 18 year olds are adults.

Looking Good for NRA Lawsuit Against Philadelphia

Things are looking good to get a permanent injunction against the city’s five illegal gun control laws:

Greenspan ordered the city and the NRA to condense their positions into writing by this morning, in advance of an afternoon hearing.

The city wanted to offer testimony from 10 witnesses, including Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey and a retired ATF agent, along with 75 exhibits that included two semiautomatic assault rifles. The city planned to use that testimony to argue that there is “no common lawful purpose” for assault weapons.

But NRA attorney C. Scott Shields objected to such a lengthy proceeding.

“What we’re trying to circumvent now is putting on a dog and pony show of having to listen to all the different reasons why the city needs gun control,” Shields said. “They should really be concerned about criminal control.”

The judge seems to have rebuked the city’s request for a dog and pony show of witnesses.  I’m guessing the judge didn’t take too kindly to having her courtroom used as a three ring circus for the city politicians.  This is really a matter of law, and the City of Philadelphia is on the wrong side of it.  I do hope that Judge Greenspan rules the right way on this one.

UPDATE: Just noticed this one, “The hearing drew a small crowd of demonstrators from X-Offenders for Community Empowerment, a group of men who previously served prison terms, some for crimes with guns.”

Felons for gun control!  Are you kidding me?

McCain Dissapointment

Sorry for the light posting, but the Annual Meeting has been so busy, I haven’t had time.  I wasn’t really all that happy with the McCain speech.  I think he could have, well, really should have, hit this one out of the park.  McCain has a real problem with the base, and coming to speak to the NRA regulars, the die-hards, and saying you want to shut down private sales, is not a great way to endear yourself to them.  That’s not to say I’m not voting for him, because let’s face it, the choice is between getting hit by a bike, or getting hit by a dump truck.  I’ll join Kevin Baker’s McCain ’08 Campaign.

We heard Bobby Jindal, Governor of Louisiana, speak at the NRA Banquet last night, and let me tell you, that guy is impressive.  Frank talk about what happened in New Orleans in the aftermath of Katrina, and the efforts he took in Congress to make sure it never happened again.  Why couldn’t we have him instead of McCain?  Either way, Jindal probably needs to get an already impressive record in Louisiana further cemented, but if your political reputation can be that you cleaned up Louisiana, there’s no limit to what you can accomplish, including, probably, running for President.  If Jindall is what we have to look forward to in the Republican Party, I feel pretty good about the future.  Election ’08 is going to be rough, but there is hope for the future.

Live Blogging the McCain Speech

I will be liveblogging the John McCain speech at the Celebration of American Values event at the NRA Annual Meeting.  Keep checking back.  This presumes that wireless holds up, and it’s been flakey.

3:00: Mitt Romney is speaking now.  Still waiting for McCain.

3:15: Now it’s Congressman Dan Boren, D-OK

4:15: Senator Mitch McConnell, R-KY

4:20: McCain comes in and starts his speech.  But we’re lined up for a photo op, up close.

4:30: McCain says he won’t support an assault weapons ban.  Says banning guns based on cosmetic features makes no sense.

4:35: McCain says he supports the banning private sales, and campaign finance reform

4:37: McCain says he doesn’t support regulating sales between people within the same family.

4:40: McCain says his support of regulating private sales doesn’t detract from his support of the second amendment.  Can’t say I agree with that one.

4:42: McCain reminds everyone that Obama wouldn’t sign onto the brief urging the Supreme Court to overturn the DC gun ban in Heller.

4:42: The theme seems to be “I suck a little, but my opponents suck more.”

4:43: McCain says that the framers knew exactly what they were doing when they drafted the constitution.

4:43: McCain stresses the importance of judges.  In my view, this is the main reason for voting for him.  He promises to nominate judges who will uphold the constitution, and not activist judges.

4:45: McCain is talking about differences between himself and Obama.  Interesting that he’s pretty much running against Obama.  At this point I think we just have to admit he’s the nominee.

4:46: McCain takes Obama to task for wanting to talk to our enemies instead of just kicking their asses.

4:48: McCain is going over the consequences of pulling out of Iraq.  Says “It would be a terrible defeat for our security interests and our values.”

4:49: McCain says Petraeus has a plan, and it’s working, and things in Iraq are getting better.

4:51: McCain says he wants to bring our soldiers home too, but that he won’t ruin the sacrifice they have already made for this cause.

4:52: “I will defend her, and all her freedoms, so help me God”

That’s all folks.  I suck at liveblogging.  Off to drink like a fish with Michael Bane.

Celebration of American Values

I’m blogging from the Celebration of American Values at the NRA Annual Meeting.  So far we’ve heard John Sigler, Chris Cox, Lt. Governor Dan Mongiardo, Karl Rove, Ollie North, and currently Governor Mike Huckabee.  Mitt Romney created a bit of excitement among bloggers when he came into the media booth, but I was unable to get a picture because the batteries in my camera are dead.  We kind fo swarmed to get a picture.  I was worried first that the secret service guy hanging about was going to body slam a blogger, and additionally that I wouldn’t get a picture of it.

NRA-ILA Mix & Mingle

Tonight’s event is the NRA-ILA Mix and Mingle for the blog bash atendees.  This should be a fun event, and it looks like we have a few NRA board members coming.  I ran into Chris Cox earlier and he said he would try to make it out.  Emphasis on try. When Annual Meeting is on, these guys schedules can get nuttier than rush hour on the Tokyo subway, but I’m happy he’s going to try to make an effort to say hi to us.

We’re Here!

Bitter and I have arrived in Louisville.  I can see the Brady Campaign is already making some hay out of McCain’s appearance.  I mean, with both Democratic candidates running away from their issue like roaches from the kitchen light, you’d think they wouldn’t be surprised to find John McCain moving away from it too.

The fact of the matter is, Brady Campaign, McCain needs us to win.  He knows that.  So we’re only happy to let him come here, and try to mend some fences.  Obama and Hillary like to say they are for the second amendment, but at the least McCain is willing to come into the lions den and try to make peace with the gun vote.  Will it work?  We’ll see in November, but looking at either Hillary or Obama’s record on gun rights gives him a pretty hefty head start.

More PSH From Philly Media

Now they are freaking out about the National Park Rule Change.

Since the rule wouldn’t apply to every national park, the provision could also create confusion among the well-armed vacationing public.

Besides, what’s the point?

Federal parks already are some of the most crime-free settings in the nation. Introducing gun-slinging tourists into the mix isn’t going to improve safety.

I don’t even have the energy to refute this crap anymore.