One of our IHMSA guys, who is pretty much a revolver shooter, likes to show up at our thursday indoor matches with an old S&W snubnose chambered in .22LR. The barrel can’t be any longer than two or so inches, but he manages to shoot 20 credit card sized animals with it at 25 yards. I scored a 25, but that was using a Ruger Mk.III with a 6 7/8 inch barrel riding below a red dot scope, and a custom Volquartsen trigger. Pretty clearly I have room for improvement if I’m barely scoring higher than a guy shooting a snubby revolver with practically no sight radius. But hey, I’m into the mid 20s. A few weeks ago my goal was just to break 20. Now I have my eye on breaking 30. If I can score 25 outside consistently, my IHMSA classification will be AA.
Month: May 2008
S&W Lock Issue
Tam has the digs on the Smith & Wesson gun lock issue. I have a 629, and have never used the lock, or had it engage unexpectedly when shooting. I use the gun to shoot IHMSA Field Pistol, Production category. I only carry it in the woods, and even then, I usually have the Glock as a backup.
That’s not to say I like the lock being on there, though. Too many gun manufacturers seem be interested in having their guns not be illegal in a lot of the nanny states (like Massachusetts, where S&W is located) that mandate this crap. I would like to see the industry write off the states that pass this stuff, or at the least, do multiple versions if they really feel the need to exploit those markets.
Texas Sees Spike in Gun Permit Applications
Keyboard and a .45 reports that the state is seriously backlogged, and can’t process the license applications fast enough. Bad news for muggers, rapists, and thugs in Texas. Hey, maybe Texas will catch up to Pennsylvania eventually :)
It’s a Lot Like Poker
h/t to Rachel Lucas.
Quote of the Day
From Rightwingprof, talking to Jill Porter who you might remember from two days ago:
Look, idiot, here in central Pennsylvania, we have lots and lots of guns, and very little crime, absolutely none compared to you. Why is that? Don’t try to answer: That’s what is known as a rhetorical question.
Here’s why. We. Don’t. Tolerate. Crimimals.
You worship criminals. You bow and scrape at the mere mention of Mumia’s name. You elect liberals who accommodate criminals at every opportunity, letting them go free on minimal bail or OR, putting them in halfway houses, slapping them on the wrists, and sending them to group therapy. And what do they do? Why, they commit more crime as soon as they get the opportunity, and they will continue to do so as long as you elect morons who put them back out on the street.
This is something the Philadelphia chattering classes absolutely don’t understand. They, in fact, refuse to understand it.
Some Good News
Great tits weather global warming pretty well.  No, really.
Breaking Down Stereotypes
Tom King relays something said to him by a police officer in Pittsburgh during the 2004 Annual Meeting:
No, thank you and all the NRA members who came to our city. this was the largest, most peaceful, the cleanest family oriented and financially successful convention held in this city. There have been no fights, no litter, no drunkenness and the restaurants/stores are all saying you guys spend money. This city needs that! The sad part is that our Police Chief had all our SWAT Teams on alert because he predicted it would be like ‘old Dodge City’ with you drunken gun owners shooting up the city. On behalf of my brother officers and the city of Pittsburgh thank you and please come back; you guys are the best.
That would probably make Jadegold, and other like him, cry. Read the whole thing. Of course, a bunch of rowdy gun bloggers will be descending on the Annual Meeting this year, so you never know what’s going to happen!
Ed Rendell, Nutter Demand New Assault Weapons Ban
Ed Rendell shows his true colors, in case Pennsylvanians ever had any doubts.
“Get these weapons off the street. Get those large-capacity magazines off the street. As the mayor said, the only people who should have weapons like this is the police and the military. We should outgun the criminals, not vice versa.”
Not to be outdone, Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey so eloquently stated:
Police commissioner Charles Ramsey became incensed at the news conference when a reporter asked if, in fact, the weapon that killed Sgt. Liczbinski might not be covered by an assault weapon ban:
“Let me just say this — if it’s not an assault weapon by definition, then add it to the frickin’ list. Add it to the frickin’ list! We don’t need it.”
The problem is, the SKS is not an assault rifle. It never was an assault rifle. It’s never been banned, and there’s no reason to put it on any “list”. I am so sick of the bullshit that spews out of that city on a daily basis, and I’m glad, at least, in this instance someone in the media asked a difficult question of Commissioner Ramsey. Now if only they would do more of that.
In response to this call, gun hating Congressman Joe Sleetsak Sestak has signed on as a cosponsor to HR1022. Sestak defeated Republican Congressman Curt Weldon last fall, and represents the town I grew up in. Here’s hoping the folks back home give this asshole the boot.
Charged For Not Having a Gun?
This bit from Call me Ahab is rather curious:
No guns were recovered from Boyar’s dormitory room, but Guimond says officers found evidence that weapons had been in the room.
What is evidence that guns had been in the room? Do they leave footprints?
Have a Geno’s Today
Apparently all the proceeds from sales today at Geno’s Steaks will be going to the Steven Liczbinski Family Memorial Fund. Joey Vento is a man who still cares about his city, even though its politicians put him through the ringer.