Packin’ in Louisville

Normally, NRA conventions are in convention facilities that prohibit firearms, but not this year.

One of Louisville’s biggest conventions, the National Rifle Association, begins Friday May 16th with most events at the fairgrounds.  The NRA is advising its members to feel free to bring along their own firearms if they are so inclined.  And apparently even to a speech by the republican presidential candidate John McCain.

So McCain called off the Secret Service.  He is either a man of great faith in NRA members and lawful gun owners, or a man of great faith in kevlar. But seriously, if McCain is trying to woo gun owners, he’s making all the right moves so far.

UPDATE: Argh!  Might be a reporter error.  I’m awaiting further clarification.

UPDATE: It was a reporter mess up.  You can carry at the convention center, but it’s unknown as to McCain’s security plans.  My advice is to expect security at the event.

UPDATE: Dave Hardy advises caution about carrying at the convention.

How Many Must Die?

Before the gun lobby pays attention, asks Jill Porter of the Philadelphia Daily News.  Well, how many indeed?  But we are paying attention, but here’s what we see.  Let’s take a look at Eric Floyd, one of the scumbags who gunned down Sergeant Liczbinski:

The man wanted in the fatal shooting of a Philadelphia policeman failed to show up at a prison halfway house in Erie a year before he walked away from the ADAPPT Treatment Services facility in Reading, state officials said Monday.

Eric D. Floyd, 33, of Philadelphia, who is wanted in the Saturday shooting death of Sgt. Stephen Liczbinski in North Philadelphia. also has a criminal record that goes back at least 14 years, according to court records.

Floyd was charged in a robbery in Philadelphia in 1994, then convicted the next year. He spent four years in state prison for the crime.

In 2001 he was charged with a robbery in Lancaster, then convicted of the crime the next year.

Two convictions for armed robbery, and let they him out after a few years.  He quickly disappeared from the halfway house.  So how many indeed Ms. Porter, before we stop blaming the NRA, blaming the guns, and start locking these predators up in prison for a very long time?  Armed robbery isn’t stealing a car, it’s a serious, violent crime.  Who thought that after his first conviction, he should be let out of prison?  How crazy  do you have to be to think letting him out early a second time is a good idea?

The criminal who actually shot Sergeant Liczbinski, Howard Cain, also had a history of armed robbery, but he’s currently taking a dirt nap courtesy of Philadelphia’s finest.  His rap sheet?  Four counts of robbery, carrying firearms without a license, and criminal conspiracy.  What was he doing on the streets?  Especially when he got 10 years in prison for each armed robbery count.

The third suspect, Levon Warner, who the Philadelphia police have in custody, also had previously been convicted of armed robbery, and was sentences to 7 to 15 years.  That was in 1997.  I guess he didn’t end up doing the 15.

Howard Cain, Levon Warner, and Eric Floyd.  These are the people who are responsible for Seargent Liczbinski’s murder.  Making excuses for them by blaming the gun, blaming the NRA, or blaming the law, diverts responsibility for their actions, and cheapens the justifiable outrage over their crimes.  It also takes the pressure off of politicians and judges for not doing everything they can to ensure that criminals like this stay behind bars where they belong.  It should not take the death of a police officer to realize that dangerous men need to be seperated for society, for everyone’s sake.

Quote of the Day

Jacob Sullum of Reason:

Speaking of which, shouldn’t the constitutionality of D.C.’s gun ban hinge on the Constitution, as opposed to the suicide rate in Montana? By cautioning against “blind allegiance to the Second Amendment,” the VPC essentially concedes that D.C.-style gun control is unconstitutional, while arguing that it should be upheld anyway.

If they just go by the constitution, they lose.

Democratic Attorney General Candidate

Read this, and see what he thinks about guns:

The Northampton prosecutor said that the state attorney general does not need legislative approval to require Pennsylvania gun owners to report their missing weapons or to mandate gun merchants to inform their customers that they cannot permit their guns’ use by anyone not legally authorized to possess a firearm. He believes a Pennsylvania statute stating the “attorney general may adopt, after public hearing, such rules and regulations as may be necessary for the enforcement and administration of the Unfair Trade Practices and Consumer Protection Law (UTPCPL)” gives Mr. Corbett the necessary leeway to impose the aforesaid regulations.

This guy is going to be a disaster for gun rights, and it’s very important that he get nowhere near the Attorney Generals office in Harrisburg.  Pennsylvania is becoming increasingly Democratic, and we don’t stop the tide, we’ll be New York and New Jersey before you know it, and I’ll be a Texan, Tennessean, or Arizonan.

More Gun Control in Pennsylvania

From PA Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs:

The anti-gun folks are using the Philly police officer killing to push their agenda. Some are trying to say that if Philly had been able to enforce their gun laws, the killing wouldn’t have happened. While our sincere sympathy goes out to the officer’s family, we all know that banning the sale of firearms to law-abiding citizens would not have stopped this career criminal from illegally obtaining a weapon.

They attempted to file amendments to SB 1250, The Marriage Act.  Here are some amendments that were filed.  I am told SB 1250 has been tabled, but it shows you that these people aren’t going to give up.  They aren’t going to stop.  They have the media on their side 100%, and they are moving ahead at full steam.