McCain Judicial Advisory Committee

I think this development switches my vote in November for McCain from ho hum to actually somewhat enthusiastic.   Seriously, the most important thing McCain is going to do is select Supreme Court justices, and other federal judges, and if this is his team, you can count me on board.  On his advisory team, for those not inclined to follow the link:

  • Sandy Froman, Former President of the NRA
  • Eugene Volokh
  • Orin Kerr
  • Charles Cooper
  • Senator Phil Graham
  • Senator John Kyl
  • Senator Fred Thompson

I hope this pushes Robb off the fence.  This is a great panel of people to have selecting federal judges.  This is making me feel a lot better about McCain.

Democratic Nomination

So far it’s looks like Obama handily won North Carolina, with Hillary barely ekeing out a victory in Indiana.  I think it’s safe to say, barring any very seriously dirty tricks on the part of the Clintons (which I wouldn’t rule out), the nominee is going to be Barack H-a-double-r-i-g-a-n spells Harrigan Obama.  I can’t say I’m unhappy about this, since if Obama can’t take Pennsylvania, which I think he has a good chance of not taking, he can’t win.  This is either candidates’ election to lose, and I’m sure both will put fourth great effort on this front.

How’s This For Government?

The FBI raids the Office of US Special Counsel Scott Bloch:

Investigators say Bloch is suspected of hiring an outside company to scrub his computer amid a federal investigation of alleged misconduct in his office.

The inquiry has been under way for more than a year and is looking into charges of intimidation and retaliation against whistle-blowers among staff members working in Bloch’s agency.

The Office of Special Counsel is responsible protecting the rights of federal workers and ensuring that government whistle-blowers are not subjected to reprisals.

And the Democrats want to put these people in charge of my health care?  No thanks.

The Gun Control Warchest

This could be an explanation for the shrill sound of desperation we’ve been noticing from the anti-gun camp lately:

They haven’t been raising any money for their Political Action Committee.  This is speculation, but my guess is they’ve been having to eschew fundraising for the PAC in order to keep their 501(c)(4) and (c)(3) activities afloat.  This is probably the most critical election for the gun issue for some time, and I would just imagine if they could be raising money, they would be.  Compare this to NRA’s war chest:

More importantly, if you go to yourself, and look at NRA-PVF’s top donors, you’ll see professions like “Machine Operator”, “Police Officer”, “Computer Technician”, “Engineer”, “Mechanic”, “Truck Driver”, “Art Teacher”.  Sure, you also have your attorneys, doctors, and businessmen, but think about how much $1000 dollars means to a truck driver?  Or an Art Teacher?   Meanwhile the Brady’s have raised not just a little money, but nothing.  Think about that, and what it says about where the passion is on this issue.

UPDATE: Welcome Instapundit users!  Sorry for the little hickup there in the server.  Seems getting linked by Glenn on a big primary election night is a rough deal on the server, especially when your post has images.  After a bit of performance tuning, we appear to be back in business.  Still need a faster server, though.

Quote of the Day

From Bryan Miller, in his comments:

But, as you may have noticed, hypocrisy runs rampant among [the pro-gun] comments. I enjoy reading them because they are so entertaining. I believe most folks find them intolerant, obnoxious and unbelievable. Their so-called passion is so obviously fear-driven it’s pathetic. And, I love the hiding their compulsions behind a ‘rights’ agenda.

He can refuse to take us seriously all he wants, but the ‘rights’ agenda is winning.  I do smell fear, but it’s not coming from the pro-gun side these days.

Clinton’s Gun Gaffe

I was talking to Peter, of Firearms and Freedom last night, about the Hillary gun thing.  I have to admit this registers pretty low on my give-a-shit-o-meter.  The real issue is that Hillary is running on guns at all.  It’s like David Duke running on a platform of racial unity.  But the fact that the person who designed her flyer took a stock photo of a European rifle, reversed it, and sent it out to the wilds of Indiana, doesn’t rank very high on my list of sins against gun owners.  Especially by someone like Hillary Clinton.