Speaking Truth to Power

The left overuses this term, but this eight grade girl from Detroit really gets it.  She’s talking to Monica Conyers, wife of Congressman John Conyers:


How I wish I were disgustingly rich, because I would offer that girl a free ride to wherever she wanted to go.  Not only did she challenge Mrs. Conyers with poise, she didn’t hold back.  Pretty clearly an incident like this should be the end of Monica Conyer’s career, but this is Detroit.  If there were 1000 more little eighth grade girls like this, it would give me great optimism about the future.

Hat Tip to Hit & Run

What’s Hillary Up to in Indiana

Attacking Obama on the gun issue, pretty directly.  Via Instapundit, who got it from SayUncle.  I find this whole thing rather laughable, since Hillary is really no better on guns than Obama, but it’s interesting that she’s willing to attack him on it.  Hillary is a shameless chameleon.  She is willing to say or do anything in order go get power.  If making you think she’s better on guns than he is is what it takes, so be it.

I do not want Obama to be President, but to some degree, I can respect that he has been unable to escape what he is, which is a solid man of the left.  Hillary is not a woman of the left, she’s a woman of power, in that she wants it, no matter the cost.  I have no doubt that Barack Obama would be a disaster for America, but no person who lusts for power to such a deagree that she’s willing to throw her belief in gun control overboard should be trusted to wield it.

Muzzling Common Sense

I don’t want to muzzle common sense, but I can’t believe The Morning Call printed this drivel:

The colonists didn’t need a Second Amendment to possess guns. They had guns! In sparsely settled areas of Pennsylvania like Carbon County, they had to be ready for attacks from the native Americans. Settlers in Tamaqua and Lehigh Gap were killed. The Lehighton Cemetery bears witness to the massacre of 11 Moravian missionaries at their Gnaden Huetten settlement. Guns were needed for protection from the bears and the wolves. Sharpshooters provided wild game for much-needed protein for their families.

But, times have changed. Two hundred and sixteen years ago, there was not the terrible crime rate that exists today. Criminals, gang members and the mentally impaired can get their hands on a variety of weapons. Our society is burdened with too many sick individuals who do not value life. They will kill a human being as easily as they would swat a fly.

Let me get this straight.  We needed guns years ago to protect against all this violence, but today we don’t need guns because we have all this violence?  If this is the kinds of arguments that the gun control folks come up with, I’m feeling pretty good about the future of our second amendment rights.

The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence is responsible for three sensible laws that shouldn’t be negated by the Supreme Court. The 1968 Gun Control Act lists the kind of individuals that should never be allowed to buy or own guns.

God damn.   It seems Paul Helmke has been time traveling around with Ronnie Barrett if The Brady Campaign is responsible for the Gun Contorl Act of 1968, which happened six years before the National Council to Ban Handguns was created, which became Handgun Control Inc. in 1980, and which finally became the Brady Campaign and Brady Center in 2001.  I’m an NRA member, and even I know more about Brady’s history than the clown who wrote this editorial.

The most sickening setback to gun control was the failure of Congress and President Bush to renew the ban on assault weapons. Now there are hundreds of ads for machine guns, large-capacity magazines, and ammunition on the Internet.

Really?  That’s funny, because the 1986 machine gun ban is still in full effect.  Not that the gun side doesn’t have our share of ignorant grass roots who can’t make a coherent and factual argument, but at least they aren’t writing editorials!  Time to send off a letter to the editor to expose this fraud.

We Can Do Better!

Apparently the United States has about 40% of the world’s small arms in private hands.   I have to tell you, with that many armed spooky foreigners, clearly America is under threat.  We all know from the media and gun control folks that gun owners are scared to death of foreigners and minorites, so clearly we will just keep buying until we reach 100%.

Interesting Tequila Gun Fact

SayUncle’s link to to the Tequila gun made me remember something interesting.  A buddy of mine works for a firm that makes airline security scanners.  Their scanner was based on new technology that examined shapes present within luggage in order to find firearms.  They were testing it in a live airport when someone went through the machine with one of these and it flagged it as a firearm.  As far as I know these scanners aren’t in widespread use yet, but you might want to be careful about flying with one of these.

Supreme Dictator

The meme is going around.  I have pretty good faith in our system, so I wouldn’t make very many changes, other than this:

  1. Fire all existing supreme court justices, except for Justice Thomas.  He can stay.
  2. Nominate Eugene Volokh to the Supreme Court
  3. Nominate Randy Barnett to the Supreme Court
  4. Nominate Glenn Reynolds to the Supreme Court
  5. Nominate David Hardy to to the Supreme Court
  6. Nominate Orin Kerr to the Supreme Court
  7. Nominate Judge Alex Kozinski to the Supreme Court
  8. Tell Congress they can stick it on the advice and consent, and order that we only need seven justices.
  9. Consolidate all federal law enforcement under the US Marshals.
  10. Put Radley Balko in charge of the USDOJ with a life time appointment.

I figure the rest will kind of sort itself out.

The Soft Sell

Greg Rotz had a meeting with his local sheriff.  Not the guy who revoked his license to carry, that sheriff retired.  This is the new sheriff.  I link to this because I think it’s a great way to do activism:

In the end he said I was glad I took the time to come see him. He asked if he could keep all of the documentation I presented to him. I told him that was why I brought them. He asked if I had a card. I told him I did not have a personal card, but gave him a PAFOA card, and he wrote my name/number/e-mail on the back. I told him we were not a PAC, and were not trying to offer money in exchange for policy changes, etc. We are not making demands. We just want everyone (citizen and LEO alike) to know what the laws are, so they can be followed. I also asked if he would be willing to attend a local social gathering, and he said he would do so. I promised to keep him updated as plans began to form.

I think you can get more mileage out of a soft sell than you can walking in and making demands.  While they are public servants, they are also people, and they will tend to listen better if you’re treating them well.

Canned Hunting

The Humane Society of the United States, unlke PETA, who are mostly a joke, is a very smart anti-hunting group.  Look at this bill proposed by Senator Lautenberg:

Today, U.S. Sen. Frank R. Lautenberg (D-NJ) introduced legislation that would prevent importing and confining exotic animals for the purpose of hunting.  This type of hunting, commonly known as “canned hunting,” is a brutal practice of placing an animal in an enclosure that severely limits its ability to escape.

Sounds like they are putting the animal in a cage so you can shoot it, right?  Well, no.  They are putting the animal on a preserve, and the preserve has a fence that delineates the property.  Doesn’t matter if you have 10,000 acres.  It’s a canned hunt, and it’s evil and cruel.  HSUS will mislead the public on this the same way the Brady Campaign misleads the public on the gun issue.  Hunters need to wake up.  Particularly hunters in New Jersey, which is getting perilously close to banning hunting altogether.

I also have to say that if the people of New Jersey choose to keep that fossil Lautenberg around, they are nuts.  Rob Andrews is no friend of ours, but saying he’d be a step up is a bit of an understatement.