Doug Pennington is an employee of the Brady Campaign, and I’m pretty sure the guy who does the Brady Campaign blog on Paul’s behalf. As Thirdpower points out, he’s been commenting at The Huffington Post. Here’s what he says in one of his comments:
One thing: I’ve read comments off and on over the months on the blog, and one reason I (and I suspect others) choose not to get between the warring sides here is that nobody listens to anybody. Commenters here seem to be good at the schoolyard taunts and calling each other “liars,” etc, though. A few do seem to have arguments at the ready and numbers to go along with them – on both sides. (If I can make it through the drek, I can actually learn things.) Almost nobody, though, shows a sense that they may not actually have all the answers. Get in the middle of a bunch of know-it-alls convinced of their correctness? Disagree and be called a liar? Spend hours going tit-for-tat in a pointless spiral? Uh, no thanks….
Welcome to the Internet, Doug. I agree that once you get beyond the first couple of iterations of comment-reply-comment, it goes downhill pretty quickly. So I’ll extend an open invitation to Doug to have a public discussion with him on this blog regarding any gun control related topic he may want to talk about. The discussion could happen over a series of e-mails, with the end result being published here. No Kelli, no Macca, No Thirdpower, no Kaveman. Just Doug and myself.
Think they’ll take me up on it?