Well, it’s often been said there has never been a better gun salesman than Bill Clinton. Seems that Mike Nutter is doing his part too. You see, Mayor Squidward, the more you bellow, the more we buy; the more bold and defiant we get. You sure you want to keep doing this?
Month: May 2008
Influence of NRA Endorsements
Bitter takes Paul Helmke to task on some of his claims poo pooing the power of NRA endorsements. It’s a case of “pot, meet kettle.”
Best Criminal Name
James A. Hole. Beat a real estate agent to death with a fireplace poker, then lit a fire to get rid of the evidence. I’m guessing the kind of environment a fireplace poker is typically exposed to in the course of its use was lost on Mr. A. Hole.
More on Dickson City Incident
Armed and Safe links to an editorial on the incident and takes it to task. I would also point out this indication that the Times-Tribune couldn’t even be bothered to crack a dictionary:
The gun-toters don’t seem to understand that not brandishing their weapons in public would not diminish their right while also not intimidating other diners.
Let’s look at the definition of brandish, shall we? From Merriam-Webster:
- Main Entry: 1bran·dish
- Pronunciation: \ˈbran-dish\
- Function: transitive verb
- Etymology:
- Middle English braundisshen, from Anglo-French brandiss-, stem of brandir, from brant, braund sword, of Germanic origin; akin to Old English brand
- Date: 14th century
1 : to shake or wave (as a weapon) menacingly
2 : to exhibit in an ostentatious or aggressive manner
If someone views a firearm properly secured in a holster as “aggressive” or “menacing” that’s not my problem, it’s theirs. The laws of this commonwealth permit the open carrying of a firearm in plain view, or concealed or in a vehicle with a license. There are 600,000 people in this state with a License to Carry Firearms. People in Pennsylvania are around armed citizens all the time, and they just don’t realize it. All these gentlemen did was choose not to hide their firearms.
Quick Change Barrels
I saw this at the NRA Exhibit hall in Louisville. It’s a Mark II, Mark III quick change barrel system. You can swap out barrels in about 2 seconds with this. Want a 4″ barrels instead of a six inch? No problem. Want a suppressed 3 inch barrel? No problem. Might be handy if you do multiple shooting disciplines.
What’s On the Menu
Cam has an interesting sample of some of the requirements the Democrats are imposing on caterers to serve their convention. Why the hell would anyone want these dour idiots controlling the country? Just for contrast, some of the things seen off the floor of the NRA Exhibit hall:
- Pork BBQ
- Baked Beans
- Ice Cream Cone Taco (seriously, with sour cream and all)
- German Roasted Nuts
- Burgers and Dogs
Real food for real people. Sounds like the Democratic National Convention will be about as much fun as trying to pick a restaurant with a Vegan.
Dumb Things Congressional Staff Do
Go straight for the form letter without even reading what your constituent was talking about.
My Talk
I gave a talk at the NRA Annual Meeting. It’s been posted on Eyeblast.tv here. I gave the talk under my real name, so now you know. Not that I’ve made great efforts to keep it a secret. I mostly just don’t want the Google gods scaring HR people at potential employers because I do this.
By the way, you can see several piece of Second Amendment Blogger Bash Video on our channel on Eyeblast.tv
The Para ARs
Uncle has the pics up. I was with him when the pictures were taken, and I love the design. I’d like to be able to shoot one, but the MSRP initially will be a bit steep for me. If they can get it down to 1600, I might consider it. This is a very interesting design.
Explosive Fun
Joe Huffman seems to be talking with Todd Jarrett about blowing up a car at future Boomershoot events. What a shame there are boneheads out there who hate good clean fun with explosives.
UPDATE: Joe sent them a letter. Good show.