English First

Eugene Volokh takes Larry Pratt’s other venture, English First, to task for berating Tyson foods for accomodating its Muslim workers by offering certain Muslim holidays off:

Not all religious beliefs, of course, have been accommodated, and not all should be accommodated. But requests from minority religious groups (including recent immigrant groups) for accommodation are a longstanding and respectable part of the American tradition of religious freedom. Where religious pluralism goes, multiculturalism is indeed a traditional American value. And the union vote at the Tyson plan is not “multiculturalism run amok” — it’s the American tradition of religious tolerance and religious accommodation working as it should be.


9 thoughts on “English First”

  1. And just how does Pratt justify getting involved in this fight since it has nothing to do with speaking English?

  2. If they have eliminated Labor Day then they deserve to be mocked and scorned. I hate everything muslim and do not intend to give it anything but short shrift until the time they stop hating and murdering infidels (me and you,Sebastion).

  3. A union agreeing to eliminate Labor Day as a holiday is pretty funny, I have to admit. I am also no fan of Islam, but I believe that Eugene is right, that our country has a long history of religious tolerance. Even to unpopular religions. I’m not convinced that’s a bad thing.

  4. Giving “tolerance”, even without the threat of violence too often received from Islam, to members of an INTOLERANT “religion” (it is NOT a religon – but a political philosophy of violence and conquest) is NOT going to make Muslims in America assimilate much less become real Americans.

    I’ll wager my house that you will never see a Muslim in the US military get a medal for throwing himself on a grenade to save his infidel buddies. Ain’t gonna happen, evah.

    Read the blogs from Sweden, Denmark, Belgium, France and the UK. Just read the headlines. When Muslims are 3-5% of the population things start getting decidedly less civil around them.

    Nothing good is good is going to come of our (or the West’s) attempts to pacify Islam by pretending that they want to be pacified, or by pretending that they would give their Jewish or Christian co-workes the same consideration if the situation were reversed. Which they clearly don’t (no non-Muslim in their right mind wants to go live in Pakistan, Yemen, or even Turkey).

    In not too many more years Americans are going to start being very sorry that we’ve imported tens of thousands of Muslims who don’t want to be – Americans.

  5. Aren’t most religions pretty intolerant though? Christianity used to embrace the idea of religious wars too. I don’t really see religious accommodations as “pacifying” Islam. There’s a large degree of difference between what’s going on in Europe, and the type of religious accommodations that’s in our national traditions.

    We can expect Muslims to accept and live within the American political traditions and still respect their right to worship as they please. I don’t see the two things as mutually exclusive. The problem in Europe is that Europeans aren’t forcing their Muslim populations to live within the bounds of their political traditions. There’s a big difference between accommodating ones religious beliefs by an employer respecting the religious traditions of its employees, and acquiescing to entire communities practicing Sharia Law, or by demanding the culture at large submit and cater to Islamic standards of behavior.

  6. I’ll get back to you in 15 years or so Sebastion. I’ve a sneaking suspicion you won’t be as enthusiastic about living with barbarians as you are today.

    Best regards, and keep up the good work fighting for our gun rights. We’re gonna need em.

  7. The only conflict between Islam and most jobs is that whole “pray five times per day” requirement. And even then, it should only be a problem on assembly lines and such.

    (Jokes regarding hog farms and breweries notwithstanding.)

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