RFID Technology in Guns

Looks like there’s a bill in New Jersey.  I’ve been waiting for some clever anti-gun person to figure out that you can make gun owners lives miserable through mandated RFID tags.  Especially in a state like New Jersey, where gun ownership and sport shooting has been made so incredibly legally risky.

Imagine police being able to tell whether you have a gun in your car without having to search it.  Now imagine you get lost on the way to a match and pass a police car who gets a blip on his RFID scanner that the person in that vehicle is an evil gun owner.  Instant Felony charge!  You deviated from the most direct path.  Too bad for you.  Go directly to jail where you belong!

Philly Inquirer Shows Itself a Rag

Caleb points out this piece of garbage article in the Philadelphia Inquirer:

It has been years since groups such as the Montana Militia, the Posse Comitatus and the Sagebrush Rebels, and individuals such as Terry Nichols and Ted Kaczynski have made us wonder why so many “angry white men” populated our rural regions.

Maybe it’s because ignorant and prejudiced academic pricks like Catherine McNicol keep consencending and thumbing their nose at rural white men.  I know this sounds crazy, but that tends to make people angry.  I’ve run into just as much intolerance and racism in urban areas as I have in rural areas, and to be honest, some of the most ignorant and provincial people I know don’t occupy America’s heartland, but our coastal urban centers.  Tolerance has to be a two way street, and it’s a shame that obviously well educated academics like McNicol don’t understand that.

It’s even more disturbing that the Philadelphia Inquirer, a newspaper that serves a city that should understand being looked down at and spit on, would print such utter bigotry.

Conspiracy to Destroy Preemption

Eight other mayors in Pennsylvania are planning their own local gun ordinances in contra to state law and the state constitution.  Preemption is a bedrock gun rights principal, and we will fight tooth and nail to preserve it.  A constitutional guarantee is meaningless if it can be infringed and questioned at will by local governments hell bent on destroying it.

Pigeon Shooting Ban Up for Vote

The bill that would ban pigeon shooting is up for a vote in the PA house tomorrow.  Now is the time to call and express your opposition.  As someone who doesn’t do pigeon shooting, I still respect people’s right to do it.  And let’s face it, pigeons are rats with wings.  They can shoot as many of them as they want as far as I’m concerned.  The bill in question is HB1543.

Lets take this bill and shove it right back down HSUS’s throats.

UPDATE: What’s up tomorrow is a vote on amendments to this bill which will ban pigeon shooting.  The amendments are sponsored by representative Daylin Leach.

Is New York in Play?

Obama is falling in the polls in New York State.  I would imagine this latest financial crisis should help Obama’s numbers.  We’ll have to see.  Really, there’s no reason to vote Obama for economic reasons — he’ll ruin the economy with his tax and big government policies — but to be honest, McCain’s never particularly impressed me with his economic acumen either.

Going to Have To Bail from GBR

As much as I would love to be able to attend this year’s Gun Blogger Rendezvous, I will not be able to.  I went last year, and had a great time, and was hoping to get to go again this year.  But it’s just not in the cards for a few reasons:

  • I’m short on vacation time with work, and I will need to take some more because of election activities.
  • Flights to Reno are expensive, and that whole baggage fee thing really pisses me off.  I got hit with a $5000 house repair I wasn’t expecting.
  • The election in Pennsylvania has come down to the wire.  Close enough that getting a few hundred extra votes could make a difference.  In October I’ll only be a few weeks out from election day.
  • The Association and New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs has their annual banquet on the same weekend, and it would be beneficial for me to go to that, considering my district shares a lengthy border with The Garden State.

EVC doesn’t have to be a lot of work, but I took this job pretty late in the game, when it looked like Pennsylvania was tried and blue for the Democrats, but now that it’s narrowing up, I want to make sure if we lose, it won’t be because I didn’t do everything I could.  I do hope to make GBR-IV.

It’s Reasoned Discourse Time

The Democratic Gubernatorial Candidate for Governor of Delaware, who’s a dyed in the wool gun hater, has a blog that allows comments.  Be polite.  Be concise, but let’s put some pressure on.  Let him know gun owners are watching.

Hat tip to Mike W of Another Gun Blog

D.C. Council Revises District Gun Laws

No doubt this is an attempt to head off H.R.6691:

On the most significant day of legislative activity since the Supreme Court struck down the city’s 32-year-old handgun ban in a landmark Second Amendment decision June 26, the council unanimously passed emergency legislation to end safe-storage requirements for firearms and to permit ownership of semiautomatic pistols.

Except these are only temporary, while they work on the real solution, which is coming along any day now, you see.  We still need Congress to fix this problem.  Pretty obviously they can pass reforms if they want to, the problem is, they don’t want to.