The Jarrett Grip Demonstrated

Sailorcurt has a pretty good illustrated guide to the modern isosceles stance that Todd Jarrett taught us at the Gun Blogger Summer Camp.  It also helped improve his speed shooting when he tried it.  Prior to Todd’s instruction, I shot a modified weaver stance.  It’ll take me a while to unlearn that.  Go have a look if you want to improve your speed shooting.

Speaking of speed shooting, I found a local IDPA match.  It’s not sanctioned, but it’ll do.  Still looking for a good steel match somewhere, and a USPSA match that’s not in fraking New Jersey.

McCain’s Big Night

I started watching with Tom Ridge.  *yawn*.  I voted for this guy for Governor twice, but voted against him in the Republican primary because I thought he was an empty suit.  All these years later, not much has changed my opinion, except he seems to be filling his suit out a lot better these days than back then.  Of course, the same charge could be leveled at myself.  I can’t really tell you anything about his speech, because it was unmemorable, much like the man himself.  I can’t believe he was seriously being considered as a running mate over Sarah Palin.

Then onto Cindy McCain, who has all the speech delivery talents of a model who’s taken a few Valiums to help her calm down from a long amphetamine fueled session in front of the camera.  But Cindy isn’t a professional politician, and she’s shied away from political life.  I won’t hold it against her for not being a politician.  For a non-politician it was a good introduction to her husband.

Then onto John McCain.  I thought McCain’s speech was good, but not outstanding.  As senators go, I can listen to him without wanting to gouge my eardrums out.  One thing McCain never seems to have picked up is that shallow naraccism that exudes from a lot of members of that august body (*cough* Biden *cough*).  Tough?  Yes.  Stubborn?  Yes.  Pain in the ass?  Definitely.  But not vain.

Based on reactions of those in the room that were not smelly protesters, there are four things the crowd in Minneapolis likes: America, Apple Pie (some look to have a particular affinity for it), Sarah Palin, and drilling platforms.  McCain sold his brand of national greatness conservatism with effectiveness: “Country First.”  As someone who would really prefer “Liberty First”, I’ll take “Country First”, especially when the other’s guy’s motto is “Government First.”

He played the experience card tonight to Palin’s vigor and youth, which was probably the right balance to strike.  His speech was much heavier on policy.  McCain ended his speech by describing his transformation from a self-centered fighter jock to a selfless servant of his country through his capture and torture.  It’s a compelling story.  McCain is definitely not the best speech giver in the world, but he was good tonight.  I think the Republican Party is in a much better position to head into November than it was a week ago.

Constitutional Government is so Passe

So thinks Lino A. Graglia of University of Texas School of Law.  Kurt takes him to task.  Apparently no one has ever told him the parable about Democracy being two wolves and a sheep deciding on what’s for dinner.  The courts have a role to play in our constitutional system, and I’m continually frustrated by conservative legal theorists who wish the courts would surrender large swaths of their judicial power to the elected branches of government.  The courts have to take up the responsibility of deciding what the law is, especially when it comes to the Supreme Law of the Land.  They should be judicious in that responsibility, but they can’t abrogate it, and expect our system to function the way it was intended to.

More Blogger Outreach from Crimson Trace

Crimson Trace are co-sponsoring the Gun Blogger Rendezvous this year with more free stuff.  That’s being held Oct 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th this year in Reno, NV.  Get more details here.  This is good news, and more signs that the shooting community are taking blogs seriously.

On The Radio This Morning

Our local news station, who up until now had been dutifly reporting the various manufactured Sarah Palin controversies, was sayin positive things, and running clips from her speech last night at the Republican National Convention, many of which were certainly not favorable to Obama.  They even ran her rant about how he wanted to raise taxes, which will play well among Republicans and Independents in this area.  She really hit it out of the park with that speech.  Unfiltered and unpaid coverage on a news station at rush hour in a major media market is something that can’t be discounted.  Old Joe Biden has his work cut out for him indeed.

RNC Blogger Outreach

Apparently they dropped the ball.  RNC could actually learn a lot from NRA in this regard, who had a more successful blogger outreach effort.  In fact, they probably have a lot to learn from NRA in terms of their ground game too, which I don’t think is very strong in my area.  Hell, I don’t think it’s very strong in my state.  That’s kind of sad, because I think NRA could do better too.

Hat Tip Instapundit

DC Gun Sales Start Next Tuesday

You’ll be able to transfer a firearm in the Distirct of Columbia starting next Tuesday.  You’ll pay monopoly prices for the transfer though, $125 dollars, as there’s only one FFL in the district who’s willing to do transfers.  Sykes says he’s getting several calls a day about transfers.  At that price, I suspect not many people are going to bite.  Hopefully Josh Sugarmann will see the light and put his own FFL to good use.  A couple hundred bucks a day is probably more than VPC is making now!

More on the Peter Manso Indictment

The Examiner rightly takes the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to task as author Peter Manso faces the possibility of ten years in prison because his previously lifetime Firearms Identification license expired, and he didn’t know to renew it.  They go on to state:

The more intricate and technical the law becomes, the harder it is to understand, respect and abide by. It’s irresistably tempting for many people to ignore the law’s sillier restrictions, and all too easy to unwittingly fall behind in paperwork — at the cost of years behind bars if a local official wants to be by-the-book about such things.

And, of course, offending local officials then comes to carry a hefty penalty in terms of selective enforcement of arcane law.

Exactly.  This is something the Brady Campaign would like to quietly sweep under the rug, because this isn’t really a bug in their eyes, it’s a feature.  Look how easily guys like Bryan Miller dismiss these concerns.  They want gun owners in jail.  It’s where they think we belong.

Law Reviews

Dave Hardy points to some upcoming law reviews on the Heller case, and says:

The 2A is becoming the one interesting field of con law. The First Amendment has been mined for, what, forty years or so. Debates over what is obscenity, what are fighting words, and whatnot are really getting to be a bit boring. But the 2A can keep scholars busy for another few decades. And the courts, as well.

It’s certainly going to keep bloggers busy too.