Responding to this thread:
I have been hearing anti-Obama ads on Rush Limbaugh today. Isn’t this a waste of our donations? If you are listening to El Rushbo, you aren’t voting for Obama, and you aleady support gun rights.
It’s not really that simple. For one, I don’t know how extensively Rush covers Second Amendment issues. I know he’s sympathetic, but does he cover all the bases? AHSA and a lot of the Blue Dogs have been doing everything they can to fool hunters and shooters into thinking Obama supports the Second Amendment. There may actually be people in Rush’s audience base who need to be reached with that message, even if it’s only to give them another reason to get out in November to vote against him.
It also never hurts to frame an argument that people can use when they talk to people who might not have gotten the message. There is value in someone saying “You know, I heard on an NRA ad that Obama tried to ban hunting ammunition.” to a friend who might not have good information. That’s probably the greatest value in preaching to the choir. NRA goal in advertising is to get the information out there, and get people involved with gun rights. Rush Limbaugh’s audience is likely to be receptive to that, which makes them a good target for advertising. Saying that NRA shouldn’t be advertising on Rush is like saying as an NRA Election Volunteer Coordinator, I shouldn’t be canvassing gun clubs, gun shows, and gun stores with anti-Obama literature. A good fisherman casts his net where the fish are.