A nice fall pic that was snapped this weekend with my iPhone camera. The railroad tracks and foreground are all in Pennsylvania. The mountain in the distance is in New Jersey. You can’t quite see the river from this vantage point.

The right of the citizens to bear arms in defense of themselves and the State …
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Absolutely beautiful!
You are wise to find time to “smell the roses” and take in what is surely among life’s most simple and important pleasures.
Beautiful Country isn’t it? Used to live just about an hour north of there.
I’d go back… but not while it’s the PRNJ.
Just drove through there yesterday.
That is a nice photo.
It that around the I80 area?
Mt. Tammany, which is the mountain in the picture for anyone who doesn’t know, offers great views of the valley and gap area. Mt. Minsi, which is to the direct rear of the photograph’s vantage point, also offers some nice views. I’d recommend hiking both of them.
It’s not far from I-80
It’s photos like that, that best explain why I’m looking to move to the Poconos.