Mike McCarville goes over the numbers:
Currently, 42% of voters nationwide Strongly Approve of the way that Obama is handling his new role as President-elect while 26% Strongly Disapprove. The number who Strongly Disapprove is down six percentage points since the night after the election (see trends). Overall, 56% of voters somewhat or strongly approve of Obama’s performance so far while 39% disapprove.
24% of voters think the nation is headed in the right direction. That’s up from 14% before the election. Apparently it’s change that only 10% of us believe in.
UPDATE: Apparently that’s up from 41% approval yesterday. I guess change.gov getting flushed down the crapper went over well.
Given his job so far consists largely of parades and waving at crowds, it’s hard not to approve so far…
Yeah, I agree. It’s pretty low for a time when everyone should be wanting to give the guy a chance. Pretty clearly he has some hearts to win over. At least he didn’t run on being a uniter and not a divider.