Thirdpower compares AHSA and Brady on the election. It’s almost as if they have the same goals or something. I’m still waiting for AHSA to come out and condemn the HSUS lead ammunition ban proposal.
Month: November 2008
Steyr AUG Available Q1 2009
Gun Ban in Finland?
The petition, calling for a total ban on private ownership of guns with barrels shorter than 600 millimeters (23.6 inches), was handed over to Interior Minister Anne Holmlund.
Finnish defense minister Elisabeth Rehn was among those who signed the petition.
Pardon me, but wouldn’t that ban most rifles too? I own only a handful of rifles that have barrels that long, including my .22LR Kimber target rifle. It’s good to see we’re not the only country plauged with anti-gun activists that like to tell the public they are banning one thing, when they are really banning another.
More on Lead Ammunition
Testing the Waters?
Clayton Cramer looks at some polling questions and ponders whether the Obama administration is testing the waters to decide on his agenda. Count me among the readers who thinks that it’s Republican push polling. Democrats would never ask a question like this:
Do you agree with Barack Obama’s interpretation of the Second Amendment, where gun control is permissible, or do you think the Second Amendment is an absolute individual right that shall not be infringed?
Zogby has done polling like this before. I think this is either the GOP, or probably more likely a Republican associated interest group trying to figure out how to frame their opposition to Obama. One thing I would say though is, can we lay off the constitutional amendment crap? It’s really hard to do, and we ought not be altering our constitution to deal with the political battles du jour. Why don’t they ask that polling question?
Questioning our Sanity Again
Fred Lebrun asks the question again:
Well, if it’s true, why in the world would you go out and buy something the government is going to take away from you anyway? Of course, the idea of confiscating our legally owned and permitted handguns is totally insane and flies in the face of where we’re at nationally.
Confiscation is not the real fear driving this. The fear is that Obama will reenact a broad based manufacturing or sales ban on a large number of commonly used firearms. His transition team has already called for it. At this point it’s not paranoia.
And I for one say amen to that. I’m a handgun owner, and rifle and shotgun owner, and an avid hunter.
Avid hunter? How do you feel about this? Of course, he goes on to call for more gun control.
UPDATE: Joe Huffman has more.
Consider it a Warning
I know that Bryan Miller would prefer just to stick his hands over his ears and shout “I can’t hear you.” but the proliferation of articles in news outlets around the country should serve as a warning to the incoming administration. They’ve been flowing into my inbox all week:
- Firearms Sales Soar
- Gun Dealers Report Big Business after Obama Election
- Armed and Nervous in Alaska
- County Gun Sales up After Election
- Gun Sales Boom
- Fear of Democratic Crackdown Leads Tri-Citians to Join in Boom of Gun Sales
- Obama Win Triggers Run on Guns in Many US Stores
- Second Amendment Hysteria
- Gun Sales Up After Election
I could sit here all day and do this, and get articles from every corner of the country. Google alerts have been absolutely wild with stories like this. How many millions of purchasers does it take to drive a sales boom of this magnitude? How many millions more people would like to buy now, but can’t afford it? Is an organized and motivated group of people like this one that is politically wise to cross? These are things the Obama transition team needs to be thinking about. The unfortunate thing is, I doubt they are.
Mashed Potatoes You Can Believe In
Some Questions
Lead Ammo Ban Proposed
The Humane Society of the United States, which endorsed Barack Obama this election, is calling for a nationwide ban on lead ammunition:
“If there was any doubt about the urgent need to rid our country of lead ammunition, here is proof positive,†said Andrew Page, senior director of the Wildlife Abuse Campaign for The HSUS.
This could be one way they come at us folks. Get ready. The CDC has already debunked the need for this, but HSUS is coming off a stunning electoral victory, and they will want to make the most of us. Do you think Ray Schoenke is going to speak out against this? Don’t hold your breath. ASHA accomplished their goal — they got Obama and the Democrats elected. For the next four years, fighting this stuff is going to fall on us. Hunters need to wake up.