The Firearm Blog links to this great piece on ammunition prices over the past two years, and speculates that the price of ammunition is going to drop sometime in 2009. I would tend to agree that the ever upward pressure on prices has to break at some point. If we don’t see an Obama/UN arms treaty, it might be possible at some point for the Iraqi government to sell all that fine ammunition back to us as surplus.
Month: November 2008
Obama’s Approval Numbers
Mike McCarville goes over the numbers:
Currently, 42% of voters nationwide Strongly Approve of the way that Obama is handling his new role as President-elect while 26% Strongly Disapprove. The number who Strongly Disapprove is down six percentage points since the night after the election (see trends). Overall, 56% of voters somewhat or strongly approve of Obama’s performance so far while 39% disapprove.
24% of voters think the nation is headed in the right direction. That’s up from 14% before the election. Apparently it’s change that only 10% of us believe in.
UPDATE: Apparently that’s up from 41% approval yesterday. I guess getting flushed down the crapper went over well.
Looks like Barack Obama’s entire transition platform, including the new assault weapons ban, and various other infringements, has, for now, disappeared down the memory hole. We do not know of this change of which you speak. I notice the national service initiative is still up, and I can’t imagine the transition mavens haven’t been taking negative feedback on that. Does this mean that involuntary servitude will be this administration’s new top priority?
Welcome to politics President Elect Obama. I sincerely hope you aren’t planning on quitting smoking over the next four years. I think you’re going to find ruling over 300 million unruly, cantankerous Americans is going to be a whole lot harder than being the Senator from Chicago who wants to run for President. It’s only going to get harder from here. I’m sure you’ll be doing your part keep the economy of North Carolina chugging, Mr. President. But don’t fret, you did win that state by a pretty narrow margin.
Change is Coming
Trying a slightly modified look soon.
UPDATE: Change is here. Still trying to add some hope though.
UPDATE: Hope is added. I think it’s change we can all believe in at this point. Other than the theme, I have a new Pennsylvania related icon, and I have redone my “About” page after realizing my previous one was an embarrassment after it was quoted in USA Today. I also got rid of several categories on the blogroll, and consolidated down.
Quote of the Day
California is a strange, strange place:
It was like being at a klan rally except the klansmen were wearing Abercrombie polos and Birkenstocks.
This is backlash for the defeat of Proposition 8 in California, which banned gay marriage. Blacks and Latinos voted heavily for the proposition. It’s apparently been quite a wake up call for a lot of the gay community that Blacks and Latinos are, in fact, quite socially conservative.
As I’ve told my gay friends, there’s a huge generation gap on the gay marriage issue. In a generation, it will be possible to pass gay marriage through legislatures. Right now gay marriage is 0 for 30. This has largely been a backlash against the attempt to accomplish this through judicial fiat, which is difficult to sustain when the population is overwhelmingly against your proposal.
I am not threatened by or opposed to the state recognizing marriage between same sex couples, but I think it needs to be accomplished legislatively, when society is prepared to have that debate. Right now they are not.
Lessons from Toppling Tinpot Dictators
Wretchard of The Belmont Club has an interesting lesson I think Second Amendment Activists could take to heart. In the comments:
One thing I learned from hard experience is you always start from where people are. Not from where you want them to start. You have to take people step by step, on the basis of their own experience, getting them to reflect on it to their own conclusions. Just because you “know†doesn’t mean you can force what you “know†down people’s throats. They have to figure things out for themselves. It’s not a function of being unsure of your beliefs. Just an acceptance of the fact that people have to travel their own road to the same spot you may be standing on.
There are no shortcuts. Fourteen years it took us to knock down a tinpot dictator. And we did largely by letting him expose himself. The key was to set up what I would call the reflectional infrastructure. You got people together. And they figured things out. But that required energy to overcome entropy. Just no way around it. I don’t think it necessary to create one big conservative opposition to socialism. You can create people who are opposed to socialism out of greed; some out of philosophy; others out of a desire for liberty. Still others for reasons they can’t articulate. It dudn’t matter. Also organizations have the disquieting tendency to fall apart after they’ve formed. Coalitions are always splitting up or coming together. It’s like trying to build a sandcastle. Still if you keep at, as the Temptations used to say, ‘Our Day Will Come’.
And when the Day comes it won’t solve all the problems of the world. It will just keep the night back for one more day. Our job isn’t to fix things for all time, but to keep this old world running for the time we’re on it. Like Gandalf said, “all we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.â€
Wretchard is speaking from experience organizing against Ferdinand Marcos. We don’t have tinpot dictators to topple, just minds to change, and allies to make. What opportunities the Obama administration will give us we don’t know yet, but we should be prepared for strange bedfellows. As I’ve said before, I don’t need someone to have 100% buy in to our cause to find them useful. John McCain certainly isn’t a high philosopher of Second Amendment rights, but on the really important stuff, he got it. I am more interested in advancing my cause than in finding philisophical fellow travelers.
This past Tuesday, manning the phones to turn out the vote for our NRA endorsed tickets, I was working along side two orthodox Jews; a father and son team. I did not know for what reasons they thought it important to show up to make phone calls. I know little of their overall political philosophy. I’m sure much of it would be alien to me. But for 12 hours in the call center, none of that mattered. For different reasons we were working toward the same thing. Too often gun owners take a black or white path toward building allies; anyone who deosn’t buy in completely is a pariah. To be effective, you have to be willing to work with what fortune gives you someitmes.
Update on Dingell Situation
Countertop gives an update:
Folks, get ready for a knock down drag out. and remember, politics makes STRANGE bedfellows. The “shall not be infringed†crowd can go to hell. For now, no matter their past views,
Remember, this fight started over primary challenges launched against John Dingell by Nancy Pelosi because of his ability to kill gun control bills.
Frankly, no matter wjat they did in the past or do in the future, I’m treating everyone on the Dingell Whip team as a friend of the 2nd Amendment.
I’d urge your support too.
A press release from Dingell’s office follows. I hope he comes out on top.
From One Civil Rights Battle to Another
A Little Unpresidential, Don’t You Think?
If one of my friends made the joke, I might think it’s funny, but I think this is a bit unpresidential:
When asked if he has spoken to former Presidents, Obama stated that he had spoken to all of those who were living. After a pause, he said he made that distinction because he didn’t want to get into any Nancy Reagan seance situations.
Required Reading for Those in Despair
Bill Whittle knocks one out of the park:
“The army’s whipped!†he cried.
“You are, but the army isn’t,†growled Sheridan, who then put the spurs to a horse who’s back was taller than he was and rode to the scene of the disaster, shouting, “About face, boys! We are going back to our camps! We are going to lick them out of their boots!â€
His men were not beaten. They just needed leadership.
Read it. It will make you feel better.