We just got in from putting out the last of the Tom Corbett and Tom Manion signs we had left over. We placed them at key on and off ramps that people will be taking as they head to or return from work, so the names will be fresh in their heads as they head into the voting booths. We are ready for tomorrow. Tomorrow morning we head to the Bucks County Victory Office in order to make calls to remind people to get out to vote. I will probably also offer to help drive people who need a ride to the polls. Here’s hoping we turn Pennsylvania red tomorrow!
Month: November 2008
Boycott This
Linoge details instances of left-leaning calls for boycotts of businesses that don’t agree with their political viewpoint. Apparently it’s OK when they do it, but when we knuckle dragging, cousin humping, gun loving rednecks do the same thing to Cooper Firearms, it’s McCarthyism.
Long Battleground State Day
Bitter and I canvassed two large neighborhoods today, and ran into a couple of Obama Canvassers, who were driving their SUV around the neighborhood rather than walking it. It’s conservation you can believe in.
Once we got back, it was a bit late to head out to canvass another neighborhood, so we decided to sit down and call the remaining neighborhoods. All in all, we probably covered about 600 households today either on foot or via telephone. After that, when we went out to get some food, we parked next to a couple of Democrat canvasers, who made foul gestures to our vehicle on the way out of the restaurant. It was pleasing to see.
Tomorrow is the big day. We’ll find out whether this whole enterprise will pay off with a victory.
UPDATE: I really like the slogans they put in the phone bank booths:
Off to Canvass
We’re off to walk some precincts here in Bucks County on behalf of our NRA endorsed candidates. I took today off work to help out. The Obama Campaign is bringing people in from out of state. I actually live with the people I’ll be canvassing.
Jim Shepherd on The Cooper Incident
Jim has an interesting take on the events of last week at the bottom of Today’s Shooting Wire. I agree with his observation:
As I said, Cooper exercised his individual right to support a candidate. Unfortunately, his making that choice very public had very public consequences. When asked if I felt it “right” my response was simple “Is it right? It just is. It’s the way it works. It’s absolutism.”
It’s not right, it just is. That’s a pretty good way to describe it.
Reasoned Discourse
Nice comments going on in this thread.
I still don’t understand the gun nut element. I have own a substantial number of firearms for my entire adult life and have never once worried that anyone was going to come to my front door and ask me to turn them in. What is this paranoia?
“If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright ban, picking up every one of them — Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in — I would have done it.” – Senator Diane Feinstein. Maybe because you haven’t been paying attention for the past 20 years.
This is how fucktarded they’ve become. A guy who founded a gun company isn’t safe from the knuckledraggers. I just hope he got the world’s biggest platinum parachute.
But I thought golden parachute were horrible? Oh yeah, only when it’s CEOs of big bad evil corporations. I’m not up on the difference yet, I guess.
Fucking stupid. Republicans would cut off their noses to spit their faces. If he had endorsed McCain and Palin, nothing would have happened. But one utterance of support for a Democrat (especially Obama) and it is over for him.
From the Rally
Here’s some video from the “Victory in Pennsylvania” rally we attended on Saturday afternoon in Upper Bucks County, Pennsylvania. It was attended by 7000 people, according to media reports. That’s not bad, considering how small the venue is. The Sportsmen’s coalition were given prime spots. Showing here are Tom Manion, candidate for Congress for PA’s 8th district, Attorney General Tom Corbett, Governor Jane Swift, Governor Linda Lingle, Senator Arlen Specter, Senator Lindsey Graham, John, Cindy & Megan McCain. You will notice in the crowd, there are hand made signs mentioning guns, and several sportsmen’s signs. These are the advantages of getting active, and showing up early to help make signs. The orange sign that says “I will keep my guns and my money! Obama can keep the change!” is one we made. It had prime placement for media coverage. Rallies are 100% political theater. The speeches are mostly talking points and “Go Team!”. But you can make a real difference by getting involved. McCain might be ducking bringing up the Second Amendment, but it’s right there in the audience, for the media to see, thanks to Bucks County Sportsmen.
Battleground State
Bitter is learning why they call Pennsylvania a Battleground State. I say that jokingly, though. I don’t remember any election being this bad. Union thuggery is a staple of Philadelphia, but it’s traditionally been limited to the city. This election is particularly, nasty, and the Democratic Party is bringing the nastiness out to the suburbs. We were told MoveOn.org were the ones out canvasing the neighborhoods on behalf of Hope/Change/Vandalism on Saturday. Pennsylvania needs change, but it’s not the kind of change these pieces of garbage are selling. You don’t see our people out vandalizing Obama signs.
Is There Anything Wrong With “Sportsmen?”
I think some people take exception to being lumped in under the “Sportsmen” moniker. I don’t really think there’s anything sinister at work here, so much as it’s a reasonable moniker under which to put the coalition of hunters and shooters. You’re not going to have “Shooters for Blandidate,” because, quite honestly, there are a lot of people out there that have no idea what a shooter is, and some people who think it’s a guy on a street corner fighting over drug turf. You could try “Sport Shooters for Blandidate,” and leave out hunters, or you could do “Hunters for Blandidate,” and leave out shooters.
So what’s your blandidate for office to do? I mean, you could get really ridiculous with coalitions, and do “Concealed Carry Permit Holders for Blandidate,” which could work, if people knew what that was, and there were actually votes there. Or even more niche with “AR-15 Enthusiasts for Blandidate,” which is an even smaller subset.
So we’re stuck with the “Sportsmen” moniker. You might not like it, but that’s your coalition. If you want a different one, you’ll have to get a lot of people to vote under it, and work hard for it. If you want to try that path… may you have better luck than me. As it is, it’s difficult ot even get people motivated under the Sportsmen moniker. Further subdivision just dilutes our political power. And I say this as someone who’s never hunted, and has to listen to more than a few hunting stories as a “Sportsmen for McCain” volunteer.
Hate of the Day
Better than quote of the day, I now bring you hate of the day:
Having known Cooper personally for many years, its funny reading the cr*p on this site. All you homos can sit in the closet with your $99 winchester and stroke it thinking about how great it would be if Sarah Palin was president. Having been a life-long republican, you idiots don’t have enough higher brain function to see that you’ve been sold-out by your own party. It’s not Coopers fault that you choose not to see it… you’re as retarded as Palins youngest child.
Stay classy! I would note the IP address resolves to a location in Westchester County, which is right outside of New York City. It would be interesting to know how he knows Dan Cooper. It would be interesting to know where I can find a $99 dollar Winchester these days. I doubt this guy knows Dan Cooper. I would hope that anyone in Montana would find using Palin’s Down Syndrome afflicted son as a tool to insult gun owners reprehensible. I’ve been to Montana, and I think folks there, on the whole, are better than that.