I honestly wonder how many of the folks like Dan Cooper, and some of the people on here who have come on claiming to be hunters and gun owners, have really been paying attention to the issue, his record, and who’s been endorsing him. I mean, when a supposed hunters groups like American Hunters and Shooters Association comes out and says he’s their guy, and then the radical anti-hunting group like Humane Society of the United States comes out and says the same thing, alarm bells should be going off if you’re a hunter. If you’re a gun owner or shooter, the Brady Campaign endorsement should tell you something.
I have to conclude it’s just willful ignorance.  I understand people not being a single issue voter. There are a lot of gun owners out there who don’t self-identify as such — they vote primarily on other issues. That’s something I understand, even if I would emplore them to rank the Bill of Rights higher on their priority list. But Obama is awful on guns. His record makes that abundantly clear. If you care about the Second Amendment, how can you possibly claim that you support Obama? Don’t tell me what he’s saying now, in order to get elected: Tell me when in his career he’s supported the right to keep and bear arms. You can’t. Because it’s not there. It’s not only not there, Obama has spent most of his career trying to destroy the Second Amendment.
So, Obama supporting visitors, I challenge you to convince me what Barack Obama has done for the Second Amendment to support and preserve it. Don’t recite his campaign trail talking points. Find me one thing in his record that indicates he supports the Second Amendment. Then tell me why Dan Cooper, as a guy who makes his living manufacturing firearms, isn’t of his rocker for getting behind Obama. It might be his right to vote against his self-interest, but voting against the self-interest of his employees and customers? That’s not forgivable.