Georgia Senate Race

There’s going ot be a runoff election on December 2nd in Georgia to determine who’s going to be the winner of the Senate seat there.  The incumbent is Republican Saxby Chambliss.  The NRA is backing him in this election.  Personally, I don’t care what Jim Martin’s stance on guns is at this point — his party is anti-gun, and if we don’t preserve a filibuster for the Republicans, there will be no opposing Obama’s gun control plans.

If you’re in Georgia, Election 2008 is not over, and it’s not lost.  Now is the time to volunteer.  Scroll to the bottom of this page to find out information for your local EVC.

Man With a Rifle

Some of you remember the guy who got caught yesterday with an SKS, looking for a ride to DC.   Well, Pro-Gun Progressive has the scoop on that story.  I would note that this is the reason criminals prefer guns that are concealeable.  I guess you can always count on the media to get it wrong when it comes to gun related stories.

Remaking Star Trek

Continuing the theme of Hollywood not having any new original ideas, it looks like they are remaking Star Trek.  I’ll probably get kicked out of the geek club for this one, but most of what’s come out of the Star Trek genre has been dreck.  Well, with one exception.  Star Trek II, The Wrath of Kahn.  Best… Star Trek Movie.. Ever!  Ricardo Montalbán was great in that film, and it was really the height of William Shatner’s overly dramatic acting.  It’s a classic.

But I will give J.J. Abrams, who’s Lost series I’m quite a fan of, a chance to show us how it’s done.  I’ve always thought Star Trek characters had potential with writing that wasn’t dry and preachy.  TNG certainly had its moments, but I think a lot of that was Patrick Stewart being a good actor.  Hopefully Abrams version won’t suck.

Calling the Attack

I’m going to make a prediction, because I think a picture might be shaping up here.  Given who Obama has nominated for his AG, and the things he said, I think we can expect gun shows, and in particular private sales, to be a prime target of the new administration.  Why?

  • Gun shows are a locus of organization for the gun community.  We’d be far weaker without them.  The other side has to know this too.  If you’re a recruiter or an activist, you go where the fishing is good, and the fishing is very good at gun shows.
  • They are easily demonized.  Few people have attended them, and the media has done an excellent job of making sure people think gun shows are a bunch of Nazi white-power types looking for a few extra boxes of grenades to defend the bunker from the blue helmeted hoards.
  • They are easily confused with the separate issue of private sales.  While shutting down private sales won’t, in and of itself, make gun shows disappear, they are an effective vehicle for pushing the issue and getting to gun shows.
  • John McCain supported regulating private sales, and the NRA endorsed him.  This was a signal that NRA wasn’t all that afraid of private sale regulation, and the number of gun owners who voted for McCain suggests they weren’t either.  This was always the risk of getting behind McCain.

My prediction is that when they move on gun owners, they will move on this issue.  They will reach farther than McCain ever would have ever done, and we will have to fight them.  I expect private sales regulation will be the main push, but expect gun shows themselves to be in the crosshairs, with the aim of destroying them.

Mixed Messages

This is pretty friggin funny.  The anti-freedom crowd can’t seem to get their messaging together.  Delaware recently passed a low allowing for handgun hunting.   Apparently Freedom States Alliance says handguns are way too powerful for hunting, while HSUS argues that they aren’t powerful enough.  Perhaps it might occur to some people that both groups are full of crap.

On Speaking Up

Dr. Helen has an excellent post on speaking out.  I have to admit that I’ve been guilty of not speaking up enough myself.  It’s not so much that I’m ashamed of my beliefs, but in polite environments, like work, for instance, you just kind of tend to try to get along, and a lot of people on the left these days take themselves way too seriously.  I tend to be respectful of other people’s views, so it makes it difficult to have discussions with people who are more, shall we say, passionate.  But I think Dr. Helen is on to something, if we’re going to restore some degree of dignity to ourselves, and to the debate in general.

This is No Way to Run A Republic

These people aren’t stupid, this is pretty clearly media produced ignorance:


On topics the media actually covered, people have knowledge, but the media just ensured the people have no idea what they just voted for.  We can’t have a functioning system with a media that doesn’t do its job.