Ridiculous Policy Gets Solider Killed

The Army has always had a real problem with being afraid of soldiers carrying guns.  Now the roosters have come home to roost.  The soldier was an MP too, which would presumably mean he carried a sidearm regularly as part of his duties.

A Very Brady Christmas?

Michael Bane suggest the Brady Campaign might be having a good Christmas:

Brady is listing their hoped for Number Uno Christmas present as “closing the gunshow loophole” big time, as in ending private sales period…might also be a good time to do your shopping at a gunshow (if you state still allows private gunshow sales, which CO doesn’t) or from classifed ads or f-t-f locally.

I agree with him that this is the most likely direction of attack.  It’s much harder to fight than a lot of other possibilities.

Heller Not Like Roe

Dave Kopel has coauthored a working paper with Nelson Lund that counters Judge Wilkinson’s notion that Heller was overreaching, just like Roe.  We should be thankful we have academic folks willing to step up and counter these notions once they are floated.  Now that gun rights has entered the courts as well as the legislatures, it’ll be important for influencing legal opinioin on these matters.

Bias in the Media

The Great Falls Tribune printed an editorial that criticized the National Rifle Association, and then would not even offer the courtesy of printing a reply.  It’s hard to get our message out there when the media is actively conspiring to keep it out of the public light.  And they wonder why the print media is contracting faster than a neutron star.

The Bear Truth

New Jersey is overrun with bears.  More dangerously, they are losing their fear of humans.  It’s really only a matter of time before there’s a horrible incident.  Some politicians in New Jersey are beginning to criticize Jon Corzine, who’s caved to the animal rights folks on having a bear hunt:

“The Governor’s bear management policies are based on little more than a reflexive opposition to hunting, disregard of science and a dose of wishful thinking,” said Oroho. “The numbers compiled by the Division of Fish and Wildlife demonstrate a different approach is adamantly necessary.”

We’ll see how cute the animal rights people think the bears are when they end up preying on children because the habitate available can’t sufficiently feed them.

UPDATE: In the mean time, we’re having a record bear harvest over here.

Quote of the Day

From Blackfork on reloading your own ammo:

You have to handload to shoot serious rifle match scores.  You just can’t get good enough ammo cheap enough without doing it yourself.

I am not nearly the shooter that Blackfork is, but I can tell you this is true.  There is definitely a difference between what you carefully hand load for yourself, and what you can buy for any reasonable price commercially.  Even using my primitive equipment, and skills, I do better with my own hand loads than I do with commerical ammo.  In these Obama days, handloading is a skill we should all master.

McClintock Wins!

Looks like Tom McClintock managed to pull it out in California’s 4th.  McClintock is a great friend of the Second Amendment, and of conservative causes in general.  Unlike a lot of other politicians, he walks the walk.  So this is also a nice silver lining to an otherwise ominous dark cloud.

The Canned Gourmet

I was amused by these reviews for various prepared and canned foods.  For those of us on the go, it’s a good look at what’s good and what sucks.  How can you beat reviews that go like this:

Boulder Ice Cream – Super Premium Vanilla

Says “produced with milk from cows not treated with rBGH.” Well maybe they should be. Cuz this ice cream sucks. Horrible consistency (too globby). The flavor may or may not have been okay, but it doesn’t matter. As the great philosopher Carrito once said, “Ice cream should not be like taffy.”

I will have to reference this before I restock my office Emergency Lunch Survival Kit.  What prompted me to find this was eating a can of Campbell’s Harvest Select Light Clam Chowder, which has the aroma of a can of fresh Alpo, and a taste that pretty closely matches.  I couldn’t even finish it, and  will normally eat anything.