Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Encourages Law Breaking

They are taking the Mayor of Pittsburgh to task because he won’t sign an illegal law:

For all the mayor’s good words to council, that statement to state lawmakers would have been stronger if the city’s highest elected official had affixed his signature to it. That would have been real leadership.

Is real leadership being demonstrated by Philadelphia?  A city that’s running out money to such a degree that they are closing fire stations and cutting back on other essential services, but yet has the money to fight for worthless gun control measures in Pennsylvania’s courts with almost no chance of prevailing?  That’s the kind of leadership you want to see out of Pittsburgh?  I think Mayor Ravenstahl has demonstrated leadership, which the Post-Gazette wouldn’t apparently recognized if they were slapped in the face with it.

Published in the Federal Register

The National Park Service rule allowing for concealed carry in National Parks has been published in the Federal Register.  This starts the clock ticking for it to go into effect on January 9th.  Bitter and I will be paying a visit to Valley Forge National Park, shortly thereafter, both armed with a lawfully concealed pistol, the way our founding fathers intended.

Damage Control

Gun Clubs in Massachusetts are talking about how safe they are:

“We look at safety so seriously that any accident, especially a fatal accident like this, is going to rock our members for years,” Wallace said.

“But this is so rare; if you look at other activities kids are involved in, shooting sports at the ranges is probably the safest activity kids can get involved in,” he said.

It’s all true, but most people are smart clubs are smart enough to know you don’t give an eight year old a micro-uzi and let him try to dump a magazine.

Gun Buyback Sponsor Convicted on Gun Charges

Convicted on federal weapons charges for being a felon-in-possession.  He had sponsored gun buybacks in the past in cooperation with an organization that promotes giving up guns and violence as a means of solving problems.

NTRFR Testimony

Looks like someone’s beating a conviction for having an unregistered Title II firearm because of ATF mismanaging the registry.  That’s not to say they can’t obtain convictions on other evidence, so don’t get any ideas.  But it would appear they will have difficulty obtaining them of that is the only evidence of the crime.

Gun Nutty Pittsburgh

Allegheny County, which is home to Pittsburgh, issues more licenses to carry than any other county in the state:

About one in 20 people in Allegheny County has a permit to carry a concealed firearm, state police records show. With 60,000 licensed gun owners, the county has more than any county in the state. Statewide, more than 800,000 people can carry a concealed weapon.

That figure for the whole state is a lot higher than previously reported.  Could be wrong, or it could be we’ve had an increase in the number of people seeking licenses.

M14 Petition

Blackfork points to a petition to reverse current practice of destroying surplus M14, and allow them to be sold through the CMP after being converted to semi-auto firearms.  This would fly in the face of ATF’s “once a machine gun, always a machine gun” rule, but an Act of Congress could easily fix this.  Somehow I doubt this will be high on Nancy Pelosi’s list of things to work on in the next Congress.