This is the GOP I Knew

Boehner does a good bit of political theater over the stimulus:


The thud as it hits the floor is a nice  touch.  Now if only they would actually do this stuff when they are in power.

4 thoughts on “This is the GOP I Knew”

  1. You know what I thought of when I saw this?

    Filibusters. There was all this talk of reading it, or rather how they didn’t read it. That thing looks to be, what, 3 or 4 phonebooks thick.

    To anyone looking to buy a gun, do so now before this steaming pile starts with all the change. Go see a doctor ASAP. Pretty much do anything you were once free to do.

  2. Yeah… that would have been a great filibuster, to just read the whole damned thing. But they didn’t have the votes to sustain one.

  3. So, did you hear that Obama is talking about jacking up taxes now.

    You know, because he suddenly cares about the size of the budget decefit? Change you can’t keep track of.

  4. “The thud as it hits the floor is a nice touch. Now if only they would actually do this stuff when they are in power.”

    If they did this stuff while in power, they wouldn’t be the Stupid Party, now would they?

    Shit, if they did that kind of stuff while they were in power, they’d be damn near unstoppable. Unfortunately, as the saying goes, power corrupts, and ideals take it in the pants when you find out you can do damn near whatever you want.

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