Jersey City Case Going to NJ Supreme Court

Jersey City passed a gun rationing ordinance, and ANJRPC fought it in court and won.  It looks like the case is going before the New Jersey Supreme Court now.   As we detailed a few months ago, ACORN is heavily involved in this case.  The New Jersey court system has not always been friendly to gun issues.  The infamous case of New Jersey v. Pelleteri is instructive.  Pelleteri was charged with being in possession of a Marlin Model 60, with a 17 round tube fed magazine, which is defined as an “assault firearm” under New Jersey law.  His defense tried to argue that he was unaware the Marlin fell under New Jersey’s definition, and thus he did not knowingly possess an “assault firearm.”   The court concluded:

When dealing with guns, the citizen acts at his peril. In short, we view the statute as a regulatory measure in the interests of the public safety, premised on the thesis that one would hardly be surprised to learn that possession of such a highly dangerous offensive weapon is proscribed absent the requisite license.

That’s a .22LR plinking gun they are speaking of here, not an AK-47.  Oh, and the license they speak of?  They won’t issue it to you.  They are like carry licenses in New Jersey, in that they exist in theory, but not in practice.

I think about traveling to New Jersey to shoot sometimes, and then I remember all the case law I’ve read, and think better of it.  Sometimes it’s better, even if a bit riskier, to be ignorant.

UPDATE: This article about the oral arguments make it sound as though Jersey City made the argument that if the Court would allow them to break the state’s preemption laws, then it would be okay because other cities would follow in their tracks.

Jardim pushed for the court to keep the ordinance so that other towns and states might create similar laws.

“We hope that towns adopt it. We hope that the state adopts it. We hope that Pennsylvania adopts it. We hope that there’s a federal law for it,” said Jardim.

Teach Your Children Well

Why bother with the readin’, ‘righin’, and ‘rithmetic when you can teach them that firearms are evil:

About 40 students in Increase the Peace, a club led by Esposito, will head to Albany next week to lobby for legislation that will hold the gun industry more accountable and keep drunken drivers off the road.

“We’re going to have fun on this field trip, but we’re also trying to save lives,” Esposito told students at an after-school meeting of the club this week. “There’s a good chance these bills will be passed. If they’re passed, you guys are a part of it.”

If I were a parent, I’d be having a cow right about now, and would be taking it up with the school board.  What do you think classmates would say about a student who, in protest, chose to stay behind, at school, rather than get a day off to go to Albany?

If you’re a reader, and you live in this school district, it’s time to raise hell.  It’s only when we’re silent that we lose.

Gun Fact of the Day

Courtesy of Dave Hardy:

In the last three months of 2008, that’s right, three months, Americans bought enough guns to outfit the Chinese and Indian armies, combined.

This is going to make gun restrictions a lot more politically hazardous for the new administration.

Gun Nut Taxonomy

Tam, coming off her great analysis of the ammunition shortage, follows up with a taxonomy of gun nuts.  I’m mostly a “Gamer” and a little bit of “Trainer” and “Collector”.  Probably a bit more collector than trainer.

I have guns I don’t have ammunition for, so those are pretty much pure collector pieces.  But that’s pretty much just my taste, I have no discipline in my collecting.  For instance, I have a Russian capture Mauser from 1938, with the German markings ground off, from the J.P. Sauer and Sohn factory in Suhl.  Money wise, it will never fetch a fair prize, but it shoots well enough.  I like having it.  It’s a piece of history.  Its owner was likely captured or killed by the Russians.  Either way, it’s not likely that its owner ever set eyes on the Fatherland again.

When Did It Turn July?

I’m sitting here in my house, in Pennsylvania, in late April, and am sweltering.  Global warming is killing us all!  The high today topped at 93.  Since I’ve lost a few trees, I’m finding my house not as well insulated as I originally thought.  Upstairs was getting close to the outside temperature, where my house used to stay pretty cool.   That’s disappointing.

It’s way too early to start thinking about getting the AC units in the windows (I don’t have central air, but my house is small enough that a few window units accomplish the same thing), but it feels like friggin July.  In fact, even July isn’t usually this hot.  I guess it’s good acclimation for Phoenix, assuming we’re not all dropping dead of Mexican Swine Flu by then.

Headed Downhill in CMP

Shot the CMP match at the club this morning.  I’m disappointed to have scored lower than my last score of 395/500.  I dropped to Downrange368/500.  Part of the problem was, I was confused by range instructions, and ended up shooting the wrong target.  I thought we had 15 minutes of shooting to get sighted in, but I was supposed to put on a few sighters and put 10 in the actual target.  I put ten into the actual sighter target.  But hey, at least I didn’t shoot someone else’s target.  Fortunately, Burt, who runs these matches, let me score the sighter target, because he would have been correct for me to take a big fat zero for that part.  Score was still pretty awful, because I wasn’t on at first.  I’ve been wondering about whether the sling pulls my shots off. I don’t have an AR-15 with a free float barrel.My Equipment When I sling up, my shots pull left and high, it seems.  I suppose I need to work on consistency with the sling in that case.  Can any of my readers who are experienced high power shooters comment on sling use on an AR without a free floating barrel?  The next problem have is constructing the sitting position.  Doing the rapid fire string sitting, I shot a fan pattern from the 10 ring down and right toward the 5 ring.  I have to get to the range and find a sitting position that works for me.

The only problem with that is how tight supplies are on ammo right now. I might have to switch to shooting the FAL soon, because I’m running out of small rifle primers, and with primers in such short supply, I don’t know how long it will take to get more.Slow Fire StandingI have plenty of large rifle primers to last me a while.  I don’t know how much more of this hope and change I can handle.  I’m pretty good on Varget for now, but loading up heavier .308 loads could change that real fast.  I doubt Obama pushing that CIFTA treaty, which would ban reloading, is going to help things any either.  People are going to stockpile.  This is one nice thing about shooting air guns — it’s hard to regulate the components.  No problem finding pellets and CO2.

Bryan Miller Protests Nugent

Says Bryan Miller:

“Nugent is a promoter of violence,” said Miller, a Haddonfield, N.J, native whose brother died in a 1994 shooting.

“He believes guns are the way you settle conflict. That’s immoral.”

By that standard the Haddonfield, New Jersey police are promoters of violence.  They aren’t carrying firearms to tickle criminals into submission, they are meant to defend the officers.  Miller doesn’t seem to get the difference between predatory violence, and protective violence.

The odd thing is that we only had 150 people for Nugent.  He usually draws big crowds.  I suspect the 150 dollars a head was a bit rich for his fan base.  Still, the anti-gun protesters managed sixteen, and I’m betting most of them are friends of Miller.  Looks like the Quakers are involved too:

“When Jesus said love your enemies, I think he probably meant don’t kill them,” said Joan Huston, of Elizabethtown. “I feel really sad when I hear God’s name in connection with [gun rights].”

This is not new.  Quakers have been trying to disarm Pennsylvanians for years.  Years ago, back when this was wild country, Quakers were happy to free ride off other folks’ willingness to use protective violence.  In the 20th century, they advocate disarmament, for Quaker and non-Quaker alike.  People always talk about the religious right wanting to use government shove their beliefs down everyone else’s throats.  Do those same folks want to condemn the Quaker religious left for doing the same thing?

And What’s Todd Palin? Chopped Liver?

A funny thing happened on the way to Phoenix…

As I’ve been planning the Second Amendment Blog Bash, I thought it would be fun to post polls on the sidebar of the website for people to vote when they check he latest information. It’s not exactly on par with a rocking night out, but it was meant to get people excited about the Bash.

Unfortunately, I’ve learned that diehard GOP voters will hijack any poll and spam the site with fake votes and crazy comments. The first came from Mitt Romney supporters. They not only shared a link on the top Mitt websites, but one actually set up some kind of a script to vote for Mitt as their favorite invited speaker about five times every second. I changed the poll and banned everyone who voted for him after I got the first hit from the site. I also complained to the main culprits and they did honor my request to remove the links.

The latest is from a group of rabid Sarah Palin fans. Now, I like Sarah Palin. I became a much more active campaign volunteer once she was on the ticket. We waited to put a McCain sign out in the lawn until she was on the ticket. But, when people start using the Bash site comments to tell me about why they believe she’s G-d, things get a little creepy. So, again, when the kiddies over at started spamming the poll (one vote a minute – a little less demanding on the server, thank goodness), it was changed and a note went up asking them to stop. So far, they have refused to honor my registration so I can ask them to remove the link, and I’m not sure they will ever acknowledge it.

But, in telling you this, I pose the question that Sebastian asked me when I told him about the creepy comments: If Sarah is G-d, then what does that make Todd Palin?

Worst! Epidemic! Ever!

The Mexican Swine Flu is coming!

The CDC and World Health Organization are concerned about the spread of the swine flu and it possibly being a new stronger strain of the virus because of its spread and toll in Mexico City. There also are fears the swine flu could prompt a flu pandemic that hits across numerous countries.

Lock yourselves inside.  When the undead begin roaming the streets, you know what to do!