A lot of conservatives are on board with the idea of term limits. While in principle it seems like a good idea, it’s one of those things I think is a bit of a double edged sword. This is one of the reasons why.
Tennessee Governor Phil Bredesen never has to face the voters again, so he can freely veto Restaurant Carry, and now Park Carry, without having to fear. Having gotten what he wanted, his NRA endorsement having helped him get re-elected, he no longer has any need for them, so under the bus they go. For most of our state governors, they will spend at least half their career as governors being completely unaccountable to voters.
We’ve had to endure that in Pennsylvania, where Ed Rendell was quite happy to run from his gun control record when he ran for Governor the first time, and kept it largely off his agenda during his first term.  It was not until he no longer had to face Pennsylvania voters that he decided to make an issue he’d put political capital behind.
I think too many conservatives see term limits a a panacea, rather than seeing it has significant trade offs. I am not passionate about imposing them on Congress, and generally think it’s a fight conservatives and libertarians shouldn’t waste their time with.