A guy in Thurston County, Washington blew off part of his finger when he set off a trap for gophers that involved the use of shot shells. In most states, it’s illegal to set such a trap, and he’s being charged.
Month: June 2009
Barbarians at the Gate
We have invaded Italy, and are poised to sack the Rome. That must be why the Bradys are busy building fortifications in their capital city, and trying to push the barbarian hordes back into the countryside.
Hopefully it’ll work out about as well for the Bradys as it did for the Romans.
Obama’s Quiet War on Knives
Here we’ve been worried about him taking our guns, when apparently it’s our knives we have to worry about. Banning folding knives? Are you kidding? Fortunately, there’s a group for this. I guess since guns were out of the question, well, he had to take something dangerous away from us plebes, didn’t he?
Blog Rankings
Looks like a new blog ranking site, or at least new to me. Not sure what criteria they use, but congratulations to SayUncle for making the top 200, at 193. The only gun blog to rank in the top 200 with all the other cool kids. I missed the list at 218. Something seems off with that. Reflecting on Groucho Marx, who wouldn’t join any club that would have him a member, I’m skeptical of a rank that puts me that high, over others who run more popular blogs.
La Quinta Inn Watches My Traffic?
Michael Bane gets shut out of some Hotel WiFi for “questionable traffic,” namely, reading gun blogs:
Am on the way to the airport in a couple of minutes…I wanted to post more, but the airport hotel I’m in, La Qunita, whacked my Internet access because of “questionable traffic…” That would, I suppose, be guns. I signed off their service and booted my 3G model. Interestingly enough, the specific site that got me was The Firearms Blog, which I like to check every day.
This is why I always use an encrypted tunnel if I’m on Hotel or other WiFi that I don’t control. I can tell you this though, I won’t be staying in an La Quinta inn any time soon.
Restaurant Carry a Reality in TN
The Tenneessee Senate has overriden the Governor’s veto, which makes me wonder what the Governor thought he had to gain? Where are the folks cheering Governor Breseden’s “common sense?” In fact, given that there were more votes for the override, it seems to me the Governor is losing friends.
When we were on our way down to Texas a few years ago, we stopped in to meet with SayUncle and the Instafamily at a local eatery. Had to leave the guns in the car, even though neither of us had anything to drink. Now, where do you think a gun is more likely to cause trouble: on the person who carries it, or in a glove box where someone could steal it?
Positive Coverage of WY Machine Gun Shoot
From the Casper Star-Tribune. They donate proceeds from the shoot to the local volunteer fire department:
Gays Growing Impatient with Chosen One
So much so they are protesting. The sad thing is, this was entirely predictable, based on the positions Obama took during the campaign. What do gays really have left to get from the political process? Gay marriage is just about it, and the coalition just isn’t there for that right now. I’m also not surprised that Obama, who is forcing the Pentagon to accept deep budget cuts, while continuing to fight two wars, isn’t willing to further antagonize the military establishment by changing Clinton’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy towards homosexuality. But other than those two things, what really is there?
Campus Carry Reform Passed in South Carolina
People with concealed carry licenses will be permitted to carry in vehicles on school and college campuses. Not quite campus carry, but some progress.
No Sporting Use
Joe Huffman takes on a notion, promoted by the former Attorney General of Maryland, that handguns have no sporting use. This Sunday is our monthly IHMSA match, which I suppose doesn’t qualify as a sport in the mind of Joseph Curran.