Paul Helmke, President of the Brady Campaign, notices the Calguns Foundation wants access to information on the type of gun used in a crime that resulted in the death of four police officers in Oakland, and wonders why we can’t all just get along and agree that ATF should be allowed to share trace data. Â Only problem is, ATF doesn’t want to share trace data. Â I would also argue there’s a big difference between wanting to know what kind of gun is used in a specific crime, and wanting access to an entire database of law enforcement sensitive information so that you can read the tea leaves, and postulate.
Calguns is fighting for this information because the shooting is being used as the impetus for even more restrictions on the Second Amendment in California, and the types of weapons used is a key component to the political fight. I wouldn’t blame the Brady’s, if the situation were reversed, from trying to get a hold of relevant information. I might still oppose it just because they are the opposition, but they would at least have a point if they called foul on us trying to stop it after we did the same thing. But I don’t think it’s a good analogy to trace data. That’s an animal of a different stripe.
Why is the OPD refusing to give up the info? Does it contradict the high profile statements they made early in the case? That’s the only plausible explanation I could imagine.
They don’t need the ATF for that.
The only people allowed access to trace data are law enforcement agencys. No one else should have access to this data. If anyone wants to know what type/caliber of gun is used in a crime the police report and court documents are available.
Paul in Texas