From the Sarasota Herald Tribune, we find at least some of the secret recommendations. Yes, that’s right, MAIG isn’t nailing his 40 Theses up to any door, though we are trying to locate them. Let’s look at a few of them:
Greater funding for ATF. The bureau “lacks resources to effectively police gun trafficking across state and national borders,” according to The Washington Post’s report on the coalition recommendations. ATF also has too few inspectors.
Help pass ATF reform and we’ll talk. I’m not opposed to more money for ATF’s inspection arm, but they need to be nailing dealers for truly bad stuff, and not for crap like forgetting to put county in the right box, or failing to put a “Yes” instead of a “Y”.
More aggressive federal prosecution of violations, including those by people who fail the gun background check.
Of violent felons to fail the background check, fine. Of a guy who had a fight with pop when he was twenty, and didn’t realize that was a disabling conviction until he failed the background check? No. Not everyone who is prohibited from owning a gun is a hardened criminal, and not everyone who fails the background check will serve any public safety interest by taking up space in a federal prison that could be taken up by actual criminals.
Tightening oversight of gun shows, especially those whose weapons later turn up in crimes.
As long as that oversight doesn’t look like this. Competence on the part of ATF brass is a problem. It’s not just a matter of funding or attention.
More thorough tracing of seized weapons, and better sharing of that information with state and local law agencies.
Except that ATF and the FOP are opposed to this.
A new policy of stamping guns with a second, hidden serial number. This could help thwart the common practice of removing serial numbers on stolen guns.
Because criminals won’t learn where the hidden serial numbers are? How are you going to get them on there? There’s only so many ways to hide a serial number on the serial numbered part. Surely you don’t mean putting serial numbers on parts that can be replaced, right? Â I can still fix my gun without being guilty of obliterating a serial number, right? This was written by someone who doesn’t know much about guns, or how serial numbers are regulated.
This is just five recommendations though. What do the other 35 look like? We’ll try to find out, so stay tuned.