
Governor Ahnold signed the draconian ammo restrictions, but vetoed the two other bill. I guess next time if he’s going to split the difference, we should make sure he understands which bill we really want him to veto. The other two sucked, but we could have lived with the gun show ban and additional paperwork on guns. The ammo restrictions are going to make being a competitive shooter in California very difficult and very expensive. There’s always Nevada and Arizona. No doubt there will be lots of cars coming back into California with tires close to the wheel wells.

More Problems Being Reported With M4

Michael Bane reports on this article that documents more soldier complaints about the M4.

The platoon-sized unit of U.S. soldiers and about two dozen Afghan troops was shooting back with such intensity the barrels on their weapons turned white hot. The high rate of fire appears to have put a number of weapons out of commission, even though the guns are tested and built to operate in extreme conditions.

Cpl. Jonathan Ayers and Spc. Chris McKaig were firing their M4s from a position the soldiers called the “Crow’s Nest.” The pair would pop up together from cover, fire half a dozen rounds and then drop back down.

On one of these trips up, Ayers was killed instantly by an enemy round. McKaig soon had problems with his M4, which carries a 30-round magazine.

“My weapon was overheating,” McKaig said, according to Cubbison’s report. “I had shot about 12 magazines by this point already and it had only been about a half hour or so into the fight. I couldn’t charge my weapon and put another round in because it was too hot, so I got mad and threw my weapon down.”

I acknowledge the AR platform has its problems and drawbacks, but I think this commenter over at Michael’s is correct:

These guys were firing sustained fire which no “assault Rifle” is designed for. The problem of jamming comes from overheated weapons because the Army troops resorted to spray and pray. The cause of the problem is a lack of fire discipline among the troops. Not a problem with the weapon. During 3 years in the Marines and 3 years as a unit armorer in the National Guard I saw 1 case of a bent sight post, and 1 M 60 that got run over by a truck, every other problem I saw or experienced was due to the nut behind the trigger.

Tom Bogan

No assault rifle is going to stand up to sustained automatic fire. They aren’t machine guns, and even a machine gun needs to have its barrel changed out if it’s been firing a lot.

Clayton Cramer on Open Carry

Clayton Cramer has a column up on the open carry issue that I think just about perfectly reflects my own view on the matter.

Open carry in an urban setting, when you have some realistic alternative available (such as concealed carry), is rather like a homosexual “kiss-in.” The supporters are convinced that doing so makes Americans more tolerant and open-minded to the subject. I’m convinced that for every person who gets used to it, there are two who are repelled. In July of 2008, one of the open carry advocacy groups held an open carry event at the Zoo here in Boise, carrying loaded and holstered firearms. This is about as gun friendly a city as probably exists in the USA–and the reaction to it was about the same as if a bunch of same-sex couples had started passionately kissing and necking in front of the monkey cage. It wasn’t illegal–but it sure took people that didn’t think about the issue much, and made them unhappy.

I don’t agree with Clayton’s views on homosexuality, but I think he’s correct that you can’t normalize unusual or uncommon behavior by shocking the public with it. Gays didn’t make their advances by doing so, but by being our of the closet, and being normal people, and leading normal lives. I think open carry will proceed the same way. It won’t be open carry picnics to trips to the zoo organized by groups of activists that help people accept it, but only individuals engaging in the practice in the course of their normal lives, and in circumstances that aren’t likely to cause shock or alarm.

Bloomberg’s Sting in Detail

This kind of ties back in to my post about MAIG being a serious threat. But you can look at the PDF of Bloomberg’s gun show sting here, which shows considerable more detail than you’ll see in the video. It also evinces a knowledge of federal guns laws, and less of an attempt to hype gun shows as out of control arms bazaars for white supremacists and neo-nazis you often read from other gun control groups. Take this passage here:

For many Americans, gun shows are a family outing. For the gun enthusiast, there are a huge variety of guns – new and used long guns and handguns, historical curios or related accessories – and for the general shopper there are often other vendors selling clothing, books, or local crafts. The vast majority of vendors and customers at gun shows are law abiding citizens out to enjoy a day with others who share a common interest.

They then go on to make their case that unfortunately they are a significant source of guns for criminals, and it’s a compelling case, if you don’t take time to really understand what you’re looking at, the deceptions and distortions are very carefully hidden. In short, in reading the report with an open mind, I’m forced to admit this is the most compelling case against gun shows ever prepared by a group advocating for more gun control. But that’s not to say there aren’t deceptions and distortions, but those deceptions and distortions are very carefully hidden, and not obvious to a casual observer, even one fairly familiar with the gun culture and with some familiarity with federal gun laws.

The first distortion is in enhancing the scale of the problem.  If you move to page 16 of the report, you’ll note that they report that 22 out of 33 transactions or 67% with private sellers failed their criteria, and on page 20 you will notice that 16 out of 17, or 94% of dealer transactions failed their criteria.  But in their methods, note that they did not select a random sample of dealers of private sellers. They first looked for evidence of illegal activity before conducting their test buys:

Investigators chose private sellers to approach by looking for visual signs of engaging in the business without a license, including those selling large numbers of guns, those who appeared at multiple shows, and those selling guns with price tags and new in-the-box guns. Investigators also took note of conversations that private sellers had with customers and other sellers. They focused in particular on statements that the seller buys guns for resale, is reselling guns shortly after purchase, buys and sells a lot of guns, makes a lot of money on gun transactions, goes to gun shows frequently, or that additional kinds of guns other than those displayed are available.

Emphasis mine. In short, they observed for strong evidence of activity which was already against the law, and then approached the sellers to see if they’d be willing to engage in further activity that was a violation of the law. Not a surprise that many of them did. Their method for licensed dealers was no better:

Investigators chose FFLs to approach by watching for transactions exhibiting tell-tale signs of straw purchases. They also looked for licensed dealers engaging in business practices that rendered them vulnerable targets for gun traffickers, such as intermingling their private collections with their regular merchandise and employing a division of labor in which one clerk focuses on selling to customers while a completely different clerk oversees the paperwork.

Emphasis mine again. Intermingling their private collections with regular merchandise? Already illegal, and I don’t know any dealer who practices that. But in short, they spent their time looking for dealers who were already engaging in illegal activity, or for dealers who were suckers and engaging in poor business practices. But there was one dealer who denied the sale, and Bloomberg did include that in the report:

MALE DEALER #2 (MD2): Who’s buying what?
MD2: OK. Can you own a gun buddy?
MI: Absolutely
MD2: OK. Do you have a problem filling out a form? […]
MI: Alright, Yeah, no. I can’t. I’m, I’m…It’s not going to be my gun so I won’t fill out the form.
MD2: Well we won’t put anything in your name. We just want to make sure you’re a good guy.
MI: What form am I going to fill out then?
MD2: Same one she did.
MI: No, Well, I, I’m not going to do that, ‘cause the gun’s not for me.
MD2: Void it, baby.

Emphasis mine. The dealer deserves credit for smelling something fishy and stopping the sale, but the investigator is taking effort to convince the dealer than the sale is, in fact, legal and not a straw purchase. If the gun is not for him, and is in fact for her, it’s not a straw purchase. How many other dealers went through with the sale after assurances from “investigators” that he was not, in fact, the actual buyer of the gun, and that she was, in fact, the actual buyer of the gun?

I also question the small number of gun shows in this sample, many of them by the same promoter, Bill Goodman’s Gun & Knife Shows, who now has a statement on his web site speaking to the sting by Mayor Bloomberg, and promising to review his practices, which pretty clearly he needs to do if he has the same unlicensed dealers showing up multiple times at his shows.

I don’t question that Bloomberg’s investigators have found evidence of troubling illegal activity at some gun shows, and I agree that ATF needs to do a better job of cracking down this kind of thing. But I disagree with this reports assertion in regards to the scale of the problem, and with the reports contention that we need new laws to deal with this problem. Everything showing here is a violation of existing federal laws, and the individuals depicted could be prosecuted under those laws. Bloomberg’s goal here was to give gun shows a black eye, in hopes of promoting more gun control laws, and the methodology used is the most effective I’ve seen. I would say we can expect more of it. It is effective because, unfortunately,  his investigators was actually able to uncover some blatantly illegal activity at some shows. That’s not something we should be proud of, and we ought to, as a community, demand better. Bloomberg may be inflating the scale of the problem, but it is a problem, and we ought not look kindly on members of our community who give the other side such powerful ammunition to use against us all.

New Preparations for UN Treaty on Small Arms

So far the Obama Administration has shown about as much interest in picking a fight with gun owners as Iran has shown in making peace with Israel. But the UN is a big wild card in play. It’s possible to get an international arms control treaty that could have serious implications for American gun owners. See this AP article on the latest preparations. They would like to have a comprehensive treaty by 2012.

Whether President Barack Obama’s administration will now back negotiations remains to be seen.

Gun control is a hotly contentious issue in the United States, where the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees citizens the right to “keep and bear arms,” and powerful lobby groups routinely oppose almost every effort to restrict gun sales and ownership — and usually win.

Supporters of a new treaty stress that it will not interfere with legal arms sales but will target illegal weapons transfers.

We’ve heard that one before, and unfortunately, previous proposals would have forced the US to pass many more gun control laws in order for nations party to the treaty to be able to legally export small arms to the United States. In short, if you like your Glock pistol, Anschutz target rifle, or Perazzi shotgun, you’re going to be out of luck if a treaty is passed that prohibits exporting firearms to the United States, because we do not implement sufficient “controls” by international standards, for the transfers to qualify as “legal.”

No Violations Reported

Officials in Sharonville, Ohio, the town that hosts the gun show Bloomberg conducted his possibly illegal stings at, have said no one has ever reported a violation at one of the shows. You’d think since Bloomberg filmed unlawful activity, he’d want to do something about it other than just promoting more gun control laws.

Never Again

From Broward County Florida:

Goldstein, who lives in Hallandale Beach, is a Holocaust survivor whose family was forced out of its home in Romania and into a ghetto.

“We went through hell,” she said. “We could not defend ourselves.”

Goldstein said that is part of why she feels passionately about the Second Amendment’s right to bear arms, which she said provides “the freedom that I know I can defend myself.”

Good for her. She’s been a member of the NRA for years, but hadn’t shot a gun until now. Follow the link for video.

Quote of the Day

Glenn Reynolds talks about protest:

One step going beyond mere protests and mockery, but well short of violence, is something like the U.K. fuel protests. Or what would happen if a lot of people showed up at banks and started withdrawing a lot of cash all at once?


I don’t have any answers, and we’re pretty clearly not at that point yet. At any rate, I’d encourage those interested in this to read Pauline Maier’s book. We’re not in colonial times any more, but while the specifics might change the principles are evergreen.

I think too many are tempted that it’s 1775, and we’re about to have some kind of violent resistance against the King’s tyranny. Too many are too quick to turn to or preach violence. Much like personal confrontations with people, that’s a last resort — only when nothing lesser will do. I agree that we’re not there yet, not even close.