An Analogy

To Josh Sugarmann, Bryan Miller, and all the other gun control advocates out there who are using the murder of Meleanie Hain at the hands of her husband to make a point about guns and self-defense, let me offer you an analogy and turn the tables. If Paul Helmke were gunned down in a robbery in the District, would pro-gun people be assholes for pointing out that’s what happens when you don’t carry a firearm?  I would argue they absolutely would be, and would be just as indignant toward anyone on my side who suggested as much. I think most other prominent people in the RKBA movement would too. It would be no more illustrative of the notion that everyone needs a gun to protect themselves than the suggestion that Meleanie Hain’s case is illustrative of the fact that guns are just bad news.

But why is that? I think because we really don’t believe a gun is for everyone. It’s a matter of individual choice and circumstance as to how one chooses, or does not choose, to protect themselves. To the other side, guns are always the wrong solution, for everyone, everywhere, and in every situation, and that’s why you shouldn’t have one. But they don’t advocate the choice, they advocate compulsion.

AR-15 Lower Project Has Begun

Brownells has shipped the parts I ordered to complete my AR-15 lower. I figured I’d keep it simple for my first lower, and just got a DPMS parts kit and a DPMS standard M4 collapsable stock kit. This upper will go on my 6.8SPC upper, so that I don’t have to keep stealing the lower off my Bushmaster every time I want to shoot 6.8SPC. The good thing about ordering from Brownells, from the East Coast, anyway, is that you get to see a nice f**k you to Mayor Daley in the FedEX tracking:

Screw Daley

I appreciate the fine workers in Mayor Daley’s Chicago supporting my hobby by shipping parts to my AR-15. I’ll feel even better when one of those fine workers can buy the same parts for his own AR-15 lower. Brownell’s is only a day’s shipping from Chitown, so it’s going to be happy building once Daley’s gun control regime gets flushed down the crapper of history by the Supreme Court.

Sugarmann is Another One …

of those gun control advocates who’s keepin’ it classy:

As an advocate who debated gun control supporters, Hain was well aware of the facts presented in opposition to her views. Yet she parried them as irrelevant to her world, in the same way that the concerns of her fellow Pennsylvania soccer moms were dismissed as the intellectual flotsam of the anti-gun mind. To this mindset, gun homicides, unintentional deaths, and suicides were events that happened to other people who lacked the temperament, training, or personal fortitude to own a gun. In essence, Hain, like many of her fellow pro-gun advocates, lacked an ability to think in the abstract: Her gun experience was positive and whatever negative effects others felt from firearms, the gun, and gun owners like herself, were never to blame. Is it too bold to think that if she had survived her husband’s attack by shooting him to death she would have offered his killing as proof of the effectiveness of the self-defense handgun? Based on 25 years in the gun control debate I don’t think so.

Look, Josh, it’s not any secret that I was not a fan of Meleanie’s activism, but I won’t presume to assume what she did and didn’t dismiss, and smear her with all the standard bugaboos anti-gun folks have for pro-gun folks. But you’re right about one thing Josh, if would have been an example of the effectiveness of self-defense had she been able to successfully defend herself against her husband. Because she’d be alive, and her three children would still have a mother. Surely that would not be a tragedy in your world view just because we would get to make a point? Sometimes I wonder.


The details of the Hain murder have been released. This is horrible. She was on a video chat at the time she was shot, and the person on the other end witnessed the murder. She was apparently doing dishes in the kitchen. The murder weapons was her husband’s 9mm. Her gun was nowhere near her. She had no opportunity to defend herself. Her husband later killed himself with a shotgun. See this story here for different details.

What a Great Guy

There’s not many anti-gun people I would say I truly despise. Most of them are good Americans with a different opinion about how to deal with the problem of violence, and maybe some phobias to go along with it, but Bryan Miller is not among people I count in that category. A good person’s reaction to someone being killed in a domestic violence incident is not “Well, you know, I was right and she was wrong, clearly.”  But here’s what Bryan said:

“Ms. Hain’s position was that guns make people safer. I thought at the time that she was incorrect. I’m very sad to say events seem to have sadly shown that I was correct,” Miller said.


New Saturn Ring Discovered

Not normally visible, but it apparently emits infrared. White House has issued a press release saying the hithertofore undiscovered ring was never noticed because it has only appeared since his ascension, and is the celestial manifestation of the big guy’s unimpeachable awesomeness. The White House also noted that the next years Nobel for Physics wasn’t out of the realm of possibility for having created this phenomenon.

Tasteful Guys

The Freedom States Alliance tries to make the point I figured anti-gun groups would try to make. The Brady Campaign deserves kudos for tastefully staying out of it, rather than try to score political points.

But one wonders what political point the Freedom States Alliance is trying to make?  Scott Hain was a law enforcement officer. He is the kind of person who would have guns even if FSA got their dream of total civilian disarmament.  Does FSA want to argue that battered spouses of law enforcement officers are better off with no protection at all?

According to forum accounts from people who knew her, Meleanie Hain did indeed understand there was a “danger lurking inside her own home”, but that danger was Scott Hain. There is a lesson here, but it’s not the lesson that FSA is trying to sell by exploiting the Hain murder.

Careful Out There

A Pennsylvania man gets fired from his job for buying a part for his shotgun from a work computer:

When Jackson was searching the Web for a replacement shotgun stock, supervisor Christie Vazquez — who admitted in a subsequent deposition to being “very anti-gun” and had quarreled with him before about politics — noticed what he was doing. Vazquez said she was scared because it was only a few weeks after the Virginia Tech massacre (see CBS News video), so she promptly reported her colleague’s Web browsing to Planco’s human resources department. Vazquez also informed the HR department that Jackson owned guns and was a member of the National Rifle Association.

You can guess what happened next: according to court documents, the HR representative, Jamie Davis, replied that reporting the visits to and other sites was “the right thing” to do, and ordered the information technology department to investigate Jackson’s Internet activity. After receiving a list of Web sites visited, Davis recommended that Jackson be placed on leave, which the company authorized. Planco disabled Jackson’s front door and computer access and arranged for undercover police to be at the building the next morning.

This is pretty appalling, and shame on Planco for treating people this way. Add that to the list of companies I will never work for or buy anything from.


Apparently we’re the liars, according to the New York Daily News. Apparently they didn’t bother to research current laws. Apparently they aren’t interested in talking about why we’re not prosecuting this kind of stuff under current laws. Not interested in discussing whether Bloomberg’s investigators broke the gun laws buying guns out of state.

There are liars in this issue, but it’s not us. The Daily News has about as much credibility as the Nobel Prize Committee at this point.