I work at a small biotech company, and though we haven’t produced anything yet of note, have had some minor successes, and minor failures, and I’m just an IT guy whose supports researchers, Â I now believe this qualifies me for the Nobel Prize in Medicine. I hope the committee will be contacting me shortly.
Month: October 2009
Lame Commentary on the Stevens Case
A TV host and columnist, Bonnie Erbe, is upset that the Supreme Court seems willing to come down on the side of the First Amendment in the Stevens case, which had oral arguments earlier this week. She’s upset, because she obviously did not listen to the oral arguments, nor did she bother researching the case before mouthing off about it.
The biggest fear Justice Antonin Scalia registered was that the law could be used to ban hunting videos. When one reads the language of the statute, it seems to say that hunting (or making or selling videos of same) is not the kind of activity it was enacted to ban. Is hunting illegal under federal or state law? Of course not! State law regulates and licenses hunting, but does not make it illegal.
Except hunting certain kinds of animals is illegal in some states and not in others. For instance, Michigan and a few other states ban hunting of morning doves, but which are popular game birds in the South. By plain reading of the statute, it would be illegal to make a hunting video depicting morning dove hunting in Texas, and sell it to someone in Michigan, where dove hunting is illegal. The video doesn’t have to be cruel, it just has to depict someone killing an animal. It would be unlawful to put a dove hunting web site up, because someone in Michigan might read it. If Ms. Erbe had done research, she would have realized this, but it gets better:
My concern regarding Justice Breyer’s question extends beyond the plain language of the law. When he asks whether Congress can just go ahead and pass another law, he underestimates the enormity of such a task. It can take decades to re-enact a law the Supreme Court strikes down willy-nilly.
I’m sorry that Ms. Erbe is upset that we live in a Constitutional Republic that has limits on the power of government, and makes it difficult for Congress to pass laws that touch on important constitutional rights. I really am. Utterly distraught.
When I think of free speech I think of political protest or whistle-blowing or espousing unpopular positions. I don’t think of a constitutional right to make and sell violent, bloody videos of animals maiming and killing each other in a way that is designed to appeal to the lowest human instincts.
So you’re OK with banning nude art then? Certain types of dancing that people find appeal to the lowest human instincts? Depictions of violence in movies and video games? I’m sorry we have a First Amendment that protects these things, but we do. If Ms. Erbe is so upset by this concept of broad protections on freedom of speech and expression, perhaps she should consider relocating to a country where such rights are not taken seriously, like China, Russia, or Canada.
Can You Tell She’s Running for Governor?
Kay Bailey Hutchison plans to file a brief in McDonald. But I don’t mean to be too cynical. This is a vitally important effort, and it will be a tremendous help in showing the political branches are behind the Court ruling in favor of McDonald. Hutchison deserves credit for spearheading the effort.
A Welcome Reminder
Ride Fast reminds everyone that the time is running out to convince Schwartenegger to veto the ammunition bill and gun show ban bill in California. They become law if he doesn’t sign, but doesn’t veto.
DCNR Goes Lead Free
Looks like state park rangers will be carrying lead free ammo as part of an effort to be more green. I’m sure people on the receiving ends of the officer’s bullets will be happy to know they are being shot with non-toxic ammo.
It’s a Difficult Thing to Come to Terms With
One commenter on the PAFOA forum in the thread about the Meleanie Hain murder:
I remember reading about her fighting the whole soccor game thing. It’s a shame this happened. I wonder if she just didn’t have a chance to defend her self or if maybe her husband took her firearm and she couldn’t defend herself. Either way this is horrible to hear and she will be in my prayers. RIP
Those could end up being the facts, but I think it’s probably more likely she didn’t have much of an opportunity to defend herself even if she had a gun. Firearms are not an amulet against being murdered, particularly in a domestic situation where you’re not likely going to be prepared at all times to defend yourself against a spouse or intimate partner.
As people who carry, we’d ideally like to think that the gun offers us protection, and it pains us to see someone who carried one for that purpose tragically murdered. But the fact is that it only evens up the odds. It’s not a guarantee. Someone intent on doing your harm can sometimes get the drop on you, and I think few of us, without hesitation, could draw a gun on someone we love.
Sometimes the good guy loses. Even when they are armed. This isn’t Hollywood.
Great High Speed Video Shots
Great find by the Firearms Blog:
Toward the end, about 9 minutes in, you see in slow motion what happens at my club every Thursday. Â Well, not the part where they shoot shot at the animals, but very cool regardless.
An Endorsement for New York Mayor
This is a campaign I can get behind. Release the hounds!
Tasteless Article of the Day
Goes to Karen Araiza of NBC Philadelphia:
Her gun-toting problems started about a year ago when Meleanie picked an ominous day – September 11, 2008 – to show up at her little girl’s soccer game with the loaded gun holstered to her hip, very visible and very upsetting to other parents.
Gun toting problems? Speaking of it like it’s the same as heavy drinking? But that’s just bias, not tastelessness. Â This is where it gets tasteless:
Back in December, Hain was runner-up for The Patriot-News “Person of the Year”. Despite all the controversy, she said her views on the right to bear arms hadn’t changed.
“I am happy being a gun owner.”
Autopsies were being performed Thursday. The Hain children were with relatives.
You can’t tell me those two sentences weren’t meant to play off each other. Congratulations Ms. Araiza, you officially suck.
Tragedy, But Could Have Been Worse
Apparently Melelanie Hain, who you might remember from a year or so ago, was found dead in an apparent murder suicide, after a two hour standoff involving police. The kids are apparently fortunately OK, but I feel for young kids losing both parents. Here’s an account as it happened. Looks like the husband was the shooter, and was a parole officer in Wernersville.
No doubt Brady will be exploiting this tragedy to the max by tomorrow.
UPDATE:Â Local news channel coverage. They report there was no standoff, and the police arrived on the scene after the fact.
UPDATE: PAFOA Forum thread has several reports of people who say she was concerned about her husband being violent. That would definitely point to the husband being the likely shooter. It’s difficult for me to understand someone staying in that kind of relationship. If you don’t owe it to yourself to get out, you definitely owe it to your kids.
UPDATE: A good point over at PAFOA:
Many of us knew that there were problems for a long time. Many here knew or suspected that their domestic issues were the driving impetus for her interest in guns. Many of us here advised her to leave him and offered her places to stay, and help. This is not in any way to disparage Meleanie, but rather to point out to any and all women in bad domestic situations; you need to get out, get out now. Before it turns into a tragedy.
Meleanie was a great person, mother, activist, advocate, and spokeswoman, and I am proud to say that I knew her. I guess when I get home tonight I’ll look through all my saved PMs, and e mails, and reminisce.
This looks like a very unfortunate case of domestic violence at its worst, and unfortunately, having a firearm is never absolute protection against someone doing you harm.