CS monitor reports on a new Gallup poll. It’s interesting how the media always pooh poohs this, as if the guy doesn’t have an awful record on the issue before coming into the White House. I mean, he voted against a bill that would have decriminalized defending your home with a handgun as State Senator. Even I think he’d like to take my guns, I just think he’s smart enough to know it’ll cost him politically. I don’t think he’s changed his mind on guns, I just think he’s being a smart politician.
Month: October 2009
If Only those Redneck Virginia Politicians Would Listen to Us…
The New York Times laments that Virginia’s leading candidates are generally pro-gun. Clearly, it is the NYT’s role to intervene in the Virginia elections and tell politicians that they need to listen to biased polls and the NYC mayor.
The loophole is no laughing matter, although the National Rifle Association is using a fictitious Soprano-like “Noo Yawker†to bolster Bob McDonnell, the Republican candidate for governor who favors leaving the loophole unchanged. “Fuhgeddaboud your freedoms†if Mr. McDonnell is not elected, the faux Mafioso warns Virginians in a TV ad. It’s payback for Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s recent stings documenting how Virginian dealers are a major conduit for crime guns in New York City.
Clearly, the NRA members in Virginia don’t care about their communities, otherwise they wouldn’t be running ads making fun of New Yorkers. However, the elite of New York City can clearly be counted on to know and understand the Virginia communities and respect the rights of Virginia residents – just like the rights of their own neighbors are respected!
Hollywood & Congress: Neither can be Taken Seriously
Members of Congress don’t really seem to get why we hate them as a group. No matter how many times we re-elect incumbents, the approval numbers for Congress as a whole generally remain in the bottom of the toilet. I suspect it has something to do with the stupidity and vapidity that comes out when we put a group of these leaders together.
For example, yesterday the House Foreign Affairs subcommittee held a hearing on legislation to combat foreign violence against women through “humanitarian relief efforts” and more aid to local groups working on the issue in these countries. While the cause might be noble, convincing the public we need to spend more right now may be a tough sell. So what do they do? Call in the celebrities!
And with that, Nicole Kidman was hauled before the subcommittee to talk about the issue. Instead, Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher of California wanted to know if she thought Hollywood was to blame for violence. Nicole Kidman, in all of her expert knowledge on the roots of violence, said they probably were responsible.
Nicole Kidman conceded Wednesday that Hollywood has probably contributed to violence against women by portraying them as weak sex objects.
The Oscar-winning actress said she is not interested in those kinds of demeaning roles…
Clearly, Kidman’s character in Practical Magic where she plays a party girl who falls prey to an abusive boyfriend before becoming possessed by his spirit who has to be saved by witches in her family, is a demonstration of a strong woman. Or perhaps she’s referring to the kind of strong female role she took on in Dead Calm where she refuses advice to prepare to defend herself & then sleeps with her captor as her husband tries to rescue her. Or maybe she’s remembering the story behind her character in The Others – a woman who was so distraught over her husband’s death in war that she smothered her children to death and then shot herself. And who can forget the remake of Stepford Wives where women are reprogrammed to always sexually service their husbands while being good little `50’s wives. While we don’t know what kind of strong woman Kidman will play in her upcoming project, How to Marry a Millionaire, I’m sure there will be absolutely no references to women willing to do anything for the security of a monied man. None. At all.
It is obvious that Nicole Kidman steers clear of those weak women, especially those who are treated as a sex objects. So obviously, she is not part of any problem which she condemns Hollywood to partially creating. And clearly Congress needs to open an investigation into these sexually demeaning roles in order to debate a spending program for abuse against women in countries where they have likely never seen a movie.
Massachusetts Clubs Resisting Patrick’s Plan
Via the Outdoor Press Room, it looks like gun clubs in Massachusetts are doing what they can to resist Governor Patrick’s plan to effectively shut them down. It’s for our own good, according to Governor Patrick:
He said the new rules are not a response to the Westfield accident per se, but a comprehensive package to create a safer environment for those who use guns.
Who asked you? I’ve never felt unsafe at any of our local clubs. I imagine it’s the same way in Massachusetts. This is the typical motus operandi of the gun control movement. Take something that sounds completely reasonable to your average non-knowing person, which is that clubs don’t have a whole lot of money, typically, and regularly hold public events as part of their mission to promote the shooting sports. I mean, who could possibly object to having a police detail at your local smallbore match?
For the Inner Ahab
You too can now own your own whaling harpoon. I’m not even sure what the legalities are. I would imagine it’s a destructive device. It’s also in Norway. It’s not impossible to get a destructive device imported, but I can’t imagine how much paperwork you’d have to do to get this into the country, and in your legal possession.
UPDATE: Actually, looking at how they work, I’m not sure it’s a destructive device, and may not actually be regulated at all.
We Kill These Things With .223s?
I Hate to Hinder a Good Cause
A small product with a BIG message, for sure:
“By putting this decal on your car or home, it tells an intruder that you have a gun and you are going to protect yourself,†said Derflinger.
Let me rephrase that:
“By putting this decal on your car or home, it tells an intruder that you have a gun to steal,†said Derflinger.
I think I’d rather just donate to the NRA Youth Shooting Programs directly. But if you really like the decals, you could do what I’ve done with my NRA and IHMSA stickers, which is to put them on magnets that can be easily removed if circumstances call for it, such as leaving home for an extended period of time with the car sitting in the driveway, or going into the city and parking for any extended period of time. I’ve never considered it a good idea to advertise the fact that you’re armed, or to help make targeting easier for theft rings.
Range Stereotypes
SayUncle lists thirteen types of people one can expect to encounter at the range. I’ve definitely seen most of them. Not sure which one would fit for me. I hardly show up at the range for casual practice anymore.
Bushmaster is starting to advertise in non-gun publications. That’s going to make the Bradys and other gun control groups crap a bowling ball. The industry hasn’t done much advertising outside of trade related publications.
I Think It’s Worth Losing the Deer
A bow hunter who was trying to recover a deer was unable to, because the property he tracked it to wouldn’t let him recover it. Normally, that kind of thing would just piss you off, but you know, I think I’d be ok with losing the deer if I knew it had wandered onto the property of the CEO of the Animal Rights Alliance.
Who do you think is respecting the deer more? The CEO, who will let the animal go to waste, or the hunter, who wants to recover the animal to use it for a purpose nature intended — food.