Canadian Media Missed Brady Memo

They are calling it the yard-sale loophole. Apparently they are out of the loop on the nomenclature. They don’t call it the yard-sale loophole. Ordinary people have yard sales. Everyone is familiar with what a yard sale is. People might not be sufficiently scared by the prospect of someone selling an old gun at a yard sale.

No, it’s the gun show loophole. Booga! Booga! Many people have never been to a gun show, so it’s easier for them to distort what goes on there, and make it sound like they are organized by the KKK and neo-Nazis groups, and have more criminals at them than the prison yard at exercise time. Gun shows are all manner of shady. Just ask them! Yard sales are something your grandma does. Get with the program CBC!

About Time!

Apple reveals its replacement for the Mighty Mouse. Optical mouse with no buttons, switches, wheels, or balls? It should last forever. I hate the Mighty Mouse. The scroll ball on the mouse will inevitably end up dirty, to the point where Apple’s recommended cleaning method will no longer work, and the mouse can’t be taken apart and disassembled without breaking it.  The Might Mouse I’m currently using looks like this, because it stopped scrolling, and I had to take it apart to clean the gunk off the gnat sized rollers. It still works, but it doesn’t glide as smoothly across the pad anymore.

The Mighty Mouse is dead. Long live the Magic Mouse!

The Specifics of HSUS’s Federal Attack on Hunting

We’ve known that HSUS CEO Wayne Pacelle has had his eye on shutting down hunting since at least 1991 when the Associated Press reported him saying, “If we could shut down all sport hunting in a moment, we would.” In the Obama-themed “Change Agenda for Animals,” HSUS outlines their plans to stop hunting step-by-step in the first term in of the new administration.

First and foremost, Pacelle’s organization has called for an end to expansion of hunting activities on federal lands. However, his call goes one step further and asks the Obama administration to close down hunting on National Wildlife Refuges and, eventually, all other public lands. In Pennsylvania, we only have two Refuge properties, and only one currently allows hunting. However, shutting down this federal property will close the Erie National Wildlife Refuge’s 8,260 acres to hunters. Nationally, that would close 370 Refuges open to hunting from Alaska to Florida.

HSUS’s leaders are intelligent folks, and they know that shutting down access is one of the fastest ways to reduce the number of hunters nationwide. In Michigan, they figured out how to divide hunters and passed a dove hunting ban as a ballot initiative. The group has also been instrumental in hurting the hunting culture in New Jersey as one of the largest opponents of the state’s historic bear hunts.

In addition to closing down the National Wildlife Refuge System’s hunting opportunities, HSUS has set a goal of defeating all Congressional attempts to better equip National Park wildlife managers with hunting options. Specifically, the Rocky Mountain National Park and Theodore Roosevelt National Park have severe elk population problems in need of control measures such as a restricted hunt.

For those hunters looking to go west, HSUS wants to make sure you have fewer species to hunt. After the wolf populations of western states recovered enough to be taken off the threatened or endangered species list, hunts were opened to keep the population balanced with other animals they prey upon. HSUS is actively fighting to shut down those hunts, going so far as to put the wolves back on the endangered species list regardless of recovery status.

If any American hunters hope to head overseas for a hunt, it might be time to book the trip before hunting is shut down. HSUS proposes ending aid to African countries that promote trophy hunts to American hunters. They hope to use dollars meant for economic development and assistance in order to shut down lawful industries abroad. These same hunts actually support the conservation programs for African species.

Finally, HSUS has already seen success with another agenda item. HSUS wants the government to end all permits for polar bear hunters headed to Canada. Similar to African species, these polar bear hunts support not only the conservation programs for the species, but also native populations and local environmental projects. HSUS asks the Obama administration to maintain the current ban on import of polar bear trophies, a success they won at the end of the Bush administration.

As just five of the 100 action items, this list should strike fear into the hearts of hunters across the country. Even if a hunter never plans to head off across the ocean to hunt exotic species in Africa, HSUS has made clear that they want to shut down access to public lands in everyone’s home state.

Philly ACORN Caught Lying

Today Andrew Breitbart released video and audio from the Philadelphia ACORN office sting. It did not just prove that ACORN staff were lying to cover their butts, but it also proved David Gambacorta of the Philadelphia Daily News didn’t really investigate the local office’s claims before publishing a full fledged defense of the organization.


I don’t believe that being invited to come back for a housing workshop to help a declared prostitute evade the law is being “shown the door,” a claim made by Mr. Gambacorta. Nor does hearing the staff argue that it doesn’t matter how many underage illegal sex slaves are brought in cause any kind of disturbance, another claim published by Gambacorta without evidence.

And they honestly wonder why no one is buying their papers anymore? They don’t do any kind of reporting, just a little reorganizing of the ACORN press releases and they call it a day at the Daily News!

Epoxy to the Rescue

After figuring out the hard way you really need to make sure you’re receiver is properly supported when you’re hammering pins in place, I have managed to epoxy my lower back together. The epoxy I used is a product called JB Weld, which auto mechanics use to fix cracked engine blocks. Hopefully if it’s good for that, it’ll hold together an AR-15 lower receiver under the impulse of repeated firing.

Lower Post Epoxy

You can see the epoxy along the seam where it broke off. I don’t really know whether the epoxy will hold the ear in place or not. The trigger guard pin would not seem to be a high stress part, but I’m pretty sure if I beat the rifle up pretty bad, it’s going to break back off at some point. As long as it stands up to normal use at the range, I won’t worry too much. It’s not like I’m going to take it into combat.

Lower after touchup

A little bit of black touch up paint seems to have tidied up the seam nicely. If you get close, you can still see the monument to my stupidity, but from a few yards away, you won’t notice. It actually shows more in LED light than it does under normal light. Really, as long as it holds, I’ll deal with the minor blemish. I’d hate to think the Pennsylvania State Police went through all that trouble to enter my lower into their registry sales record database and not end up using it to do things that make the Governor cry.

Folding Knife Protection on Obama’s Desk

The House and Senate have worked out their differences on the 2010 Homeland Security Appropriations Bill, and amendment to prevent US Customs from redefining assisted opening folding knives as switchblades has been preserved. You can read about it over at NRA was also helping move this forward, along with several Senators.

“This amendment was necessary to prevent commonly-used pocketknives from being branded as illegal switchblades. The National Rifle Association is grateful to Sens. John Cornyn (R-Tex.), Mark Pryor (D-Ark.) and Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) whose leadership fixed a provision that would have criminalized millions of law-abiding Americans — including millions of hunters and sportsmen,” said Chris Cox, Executive Director for NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action.

The Senate adopted this amendment through unanimous consent back in July, but it took a while for the House and Senate to work out the differences in the conference committee. Many thanks to the folks who helped get this through. It’s one less thing we’ll have to worry about.

Like You and Me, Only Better

With Corzine trying to paint Chris Christie as a tool of the “gun lobby”, which is kind of amusing since I think most of us think the guy is pretty weak on the issue, third party candidate Chris Daggett’s driver, a retired NJ State Trooper, apparently left a loaded pistol in the glove compartment of a loaner vehicle. Remember, New Jersey can’t pass concealed carry reform because ordinary citizens are too irresponsible, and can’t be trusted to carry guns!

HSUS Attacks 1st & 2nd Amendments

Yesterday, I mentioned the outrageous power grab that the Humane Society of the United States was making in the name of the animal rights. With new government divisions, agency liaisons, and a White House czar proposed, their agenda is far-reaching and a threat against many issues, not just animal production & far-flung animal rights concerns like whaling.

In their “Change” agenda, HSUS specifically calls for a ban on handgun carry for self-defense, using poaching of big game as an excuse.

Hunting in National Parks – in order to protect wildlife from poaching and ensure public safety, reverse final rule by Bush Administration that undid a longstanding ban on carrying of loaded, concealed weapons in National Parks; continue the historic prohibition on sport hunting in national parks, and prevent attempts to allow private sport hunters to target elk in Rocky Mountain National Park and Theodore Roosevelt National Park; oppose legislation like H.R. 1179, S. 917, and S. 684 in the 110th Congress that would open National Parks to sport hunters

In Pennsylvania, the National Park Service controls 24 popular recreation areas. That means in order to defend against poaching, HSUS believes you should be disarmed while visiting Gettysburg, stopping at the memorial in Valley Forge, or even walking across the lawn in front of Independence Hall in downtown Philadelphia.

Fortunately, pro-gun leaders in the US Senate & House have made the case against carry in these areas much harder. HSUS would now have to overturn legislation signed into law earlier this year to ban lawful carry again. With our friends in Congress, that will be much harder to do.

Beyond the Second Amendment, HSUS also called for the White House to defend a law that makes hunting photos & outdoor media illegal. And defend, they did. Obama’s administration went to the Supreme Court to protect the law to restrict the First Amendment. Fortunately, Court observers say that it appears not a single Justice agreed with the positions of HSUS & the administration.

If the law is overturned on Constitutional grounds, HSUS indicates it would like to be involved in writing a replacement speech-restriction law. While lawmakers would be expected to try and limit such a law to ban pictures of extreme acts such as so-called “crush videos,” but HSUS could try to expand it to again target outdoor media, photos, and videos.

For those gun owners who don’t believe that the Humane Society of the United States isn’t a significant threat, consider their resources. When they decide to pick a fight with gun owners, they have funds that far surpass those of the Brady Bunch. In 2007, the Brady Center reported total revenue of $3,863,596. Their net assets at the end of the year totaled $3,013,211. On the other hand, HSUS has far more flexible income. In the same year, HSUS reported total revenue of $101,826,190 with net assets at the end of the year totaling $204,868,764. Once they turn their sights on us, it will be a well-funded fight.

Michigan Considering Campus Carry

Jeff Soyer reports, and notes that these bills haven’t fared very well. That’s largely true, but it forces the other side to spend time and resources organizing against it. It keeps them on the defensive. So even if it’s not working out in individual cases, the issue is of great strategic value.