Cemetery points out some New Jersey pols that have signed up to oppose McDonald, in response to Bitter’s list of Pennsylvania reps who either joined, or who did not take a stand in the case.
Even in New Jersey, they could only get three Congressmen who wanted to go in record in favor of gun bans. I should also note that New Jersey had three Congressmen who joined the Congressional Brief supporting McDonald, and standing up for the Second Amendment, those reps are:
- Representative E. Scott Garrett (NJ-5, R)
- Representative Leonard Lance (NJ-7, R)
- Representative Frank A. LoBiondo (NJ-2, R)
If you live in New Jersey, be sure to thank them. Even in the Brady Paradise of New Jersey, the anti-gun forces still couldn’t outnumber pro-Second Amendment forces.
Scott Garrett is my Rep. He’s a very good guy, very conservative. I have expressed my appreciation to him in person.
Of course the Dems want very badly to re-district NJ to get rid of these guys.
Voted for Leonard Lance – his office got a thank-you call the day I heard about him signing on (along with belated thanks for voting no on Pelosicare)