We’ve all heard by now the story of Helen Thomas making remarks indicating that she thinks Jews ought to leave Israel and go back to Germany and Poland:
A position I’m sure puts her in the good graces of Hamas and Hezbollah. Understandably she’s being dropped left and right, first by her speaking agency, and then even by a high school she was scheduled to speak at.
But remarkably silent in all this is the Brady Campaign, who recently honored Helen Thomas on the tenth anniversary of the Million Mom March:
Also note the praise heaped on Thomas in their Facebook page. She’s an angry old dinosaur of the old media, and it’s time for her to retire. If this is the kind of woman Brady wants to associate themselves with, it’s their own business, but I think it’s a mistake. We might not agree with the Bradys on much, but I’d like to think we can all agree that an endorsement of ethnic cleansing goes beyond what most reasonable people ought to accept. If she were on my side, I would repudiate her. Will the Bradys take back her “Visionary Award.”  Or do the Brady’s accept Helen Thomas as a true visionary, ethnic cleansing and all? We’ll see.
UPDATE: Helen Thomas is retiring. Good riddance! I’m going to guess this is a graceful way for Hearst to end the relationship.