If DISCLOSE is Defeated, Does NRA Deserve Credit?

Joe Huffman, in the context of this whole DISCLOSE fiasco, an interesting philosophical question:

This may end up being a Philosophy 101 question. Should someone (or an organization) be criticized for their intentions or on the results of their actions? If they were being very clever and defeated the bill we should praise them. If they were just looking out for the short term and got lucky with the same result should we be critical of them?

Let me start off by saying I don’t think any of this was some devious plot by NRA. There’s too many unknowns at work they couldn’t have predicted ahead of time. But in conflict, any kind of conflict, engaging with your opponent yields important information. It forces him to react. In most conflict, the victor is often not the smartest player in the game, but the player who makes the fewest mistakes. Philosophically, I think you have to look at intent. But what was NRA’s intent?

Boiled down to one sentence it was “If we’re subject to this bill, we’re going to oppose it.” That forced the enemy, in this case, Pelosi and Van Hollen, to react. They reacted poorly, first by rejecting Shuler’s proposal to exempt all 501(c)(4) advocacy groups, which would include NRA and nearly everyone else. Second in floating a blatantly transparent deal that exempted pretty much only NRA, that had the effect of pissing everyone else off enough to actually do something in opposition to the bill. NRA engaged the enemy, and they made mistakes. The entire chain of events was set in motion by NRA’s initial opposition to DISCLOSE. If the bill goes down to defeat, which is looking increasingly likely, I think it would be unfair not to give NRA credit for its defeat. It was the NRA’s opposition to the bill that forced the Democrats to make mistakes.

Perhaps it could be argued that NRA making public pronouncements about not opposing DISCLOSE with Van Hollen’s amendment was a mistake. There’s an argument to be made. I don’t think many historians would argue that our carrier tactics in the Battle of the Coral Sea were all that up to stuff, but it’s still widely considered an American win because we were the side that made fewer mistakes. Strategically, the implications of that conflict played out in our favor. So I don’t think it’s any less correct to credit NRA with defeating DISCLOSE than it would be to say the U.S. Navy won the Battle of the Coral Sea.

He’s Got a Point

The Knoxville Gun Rights Examiner takes notice of a product being sold by NRA which is an extraordinarily bad idea. I hope NRA will reconsider this. I don’t think they really want to sell anything that puts their members in danger.

Hat tip to Tam and Unc

Home Depot Supplying NYC Criminals With Illegal Weapons?

Now we discover Home Depot, Eastern Mountain Sports, and Paragon Sports, are illegal arms dealers to the underworld of New York City. Home Depot’s response:

The knives generally fall into one of two categories: switchblades and gravity knives. On a switchblade, the blade pops out at the simple flip of a switch; with gravity knives, the blades come out by a simple flick of the wrist. Carrying either of those kinds of knives is a crime under New York State law, prosecutors said. A spokesman for Home Depot, Stephen Holmes, said the company did not know that the knives were illegal in New York. As soon as prosecutors contacted the company, it immediately removed the knives from its two Manhattan stores and is removing them from all locations in the state, the spokesman said.

“These are common knives,” Mr. Holmes said, adding that contractors and homeowners often used them “for various home-improvement projects.”

“We simply didn’t know that they were being used for any other purpose,” he said.

They weren’t being used for any other purpose, and Home Depot isn’t selling switchblades. This is a case of New York City’s District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. being a hysterical ninny. These people have completely lost their minds. You’re trying to regulate sharp pointy things! Think about it man!

UPDATE: Holy crap. Watch the video. To demonstrate the knives are dangerous, they show one salesman saying “I’ve almost taken my fingers off with those!” Knives can be dangerous. Who knew?!? I’d hate to think how a New York Times investigative reporter would deal with being sent to culinary school. Just think of how dangerous that must be?

Someone in the Media Gets It

The Washington Examiner at least knows who’s fault this is:

The NRA’s chief lobbyist, Chris Cox, on May 26 wrote every House member, attacking the DISCLOSE Act for creating “a series of Byzantine disclosure requirements that have the obvious effect of intimidating speech.”

Cox wrote, “there is no legitimate reason to include the NRA” in the bill’s reporting and disclosure rules. Democrats say the bill is about curbing the political influence of corporations, which sometimes form nonprofit front groups to run issue ads. This bill aims to expose the real money behind such ads. The NRA, however, doesn’t hide behind front groups.

The NRA’s objection derailed the bill just before it was expected to pass.

Rep. Heath Shuler, a pro-gun Democrat from a conservative North Carolina district, responded with a proposal to exempt membership-based nonprofits from the bill. This would protect the NRA, Human Rights Campaign, Americans for Tax Reform, and many other groups.

Apparently, for Democratic leadership, that defeated the purpose. Van Hollen, chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, wrote his own amendment, exempting only the largest membership groups. It was a carve-out for the NRA.

Health Schuler, who’s A-rated and endorsed by NRA, floated an amendment that would have pulled everyone’s ass from the fire. Chris Van Hollen, an F rated Democrat representing highly liberal Montgomery County, Maryland, counter proposed the infamous NRA carveout. Now, which one of these guys do you think was acting on NRA’s behalf?

MAIG Mayors Rising

In Pennsylvania, we defeated one official MAIG mayor in his Democratic primary. And yes, guns were an issue. He took major hits and lost votes when NRA endorsed his opponent and highlighted his anti-gun group membership. (I know because I talked to some of those Democrats while working a gun show not too far from the district a couple of weeks ago.)

Unfortunately, we’ve still got at least one more on the ballot for November to defeat. And yesterday we learned that a Bloomberg fangirl of a mayor may end up leading the entire Democratic Party.

As we noted yesterday, Pennsylvania Democrats meet in Camp Hill tonight to kick off two days of meetings that will culminate in the election of a new chairperson — possibly York Mayor Kim Bracey — on Saturday morning.

York has produced a few vehemently anti-gun politicians, and Kim Bracey is apparently one of them since she joined forces with the Mayors Against Guns coalition.

The fact is that MAIG is a serious threat to gun rights. The microstamping law they were pushing in New York recently was so outrageous that it was a defacto ban on semi-automatic handguns. That’s in no way a mainstream viewpoint, and we need to get those politicians out of all offices.

It remains to be seen how she would wield her influence over any pro-gun Democrats who want to run for office. But if you’re a Pennsylvania Democrat, I’d be raising a bit of hell over this with your county party leaders.

DISCLOSE Vote Pulled

The bill is obviously not dead, but it’s in seriously jeopardy at this time:

Democratic leadership aides said the vote would be rescheduled until next week, but it is still unclear whether Pelosi and Rep. Chris Van Hollen (Md.), chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and the author of the bill, will have enough votes to move forward then.

I would say Countertop is now very close to being right. The Blue Dogs and Congressional Black Caucus were no votes, the Blue Dogs because of business interests lining up against DISCLOSE, and the CBC because of the NRA exemption.

I don’t think NRA’s plan was to derail this bill all along by seeking to be exempt. The reaction of other groups isn’t something they could have anticipated. But it’s worth noting that if NRA had sat idly by, this would have passed, because no one was paying attention to it, or understood how bad it was. It was NRA’s threatened opposition to the bill that made Pelosi carve out an exemption, so she could keep her Blue Dogs on board. It’s also worth noting if NRA had just opposed DISCLOSE, we also would have likely been saddled with it, because the CBC would have been on board. As Politico says, “Pelosi and Van Hollen could not afford to lose large numbers of votes from the Blue Dogs and the CBC.” She probably could have lost most of the Blue Dogs and still passed this. But not the Blue Dogs and CBC, with CBC representing 43 members.

Pelosi didn’t pull it out of the kindness of her heart. She pulled it because she does not have the votes to pass it. It’s hard to see how she’s going to get those votes without carving a wider exemption, which will cost her votes among those pushing Campaign Finance. It’s hard to see how Pelosi is going to put this one back together at this point, but I wouldn’t count her out. Health Care seemed dead more than a few times. The question will be will Pelosi want to spend the political capitol shoving this bill down our throats like she did with HCR? We’ll see.

Updated NRA Response to DISCLOSE

This would seem to be the letter they are sending to members:

We appreciate some NRA members’ concerns about our position on H.R. 5175, the “DISCLOSE Act.”  Unfortunately, critics of our position have misstated or misunderstood the facts.

We have never said we would support any version of this bill.  To the contrary, we clearly stated NRA’s strong opposition to the DISCLOSE Act (as introduced) in a letter sent to Members of Congress on May 26 (click here to read the letter).

Through the courts and in Congress, the NRA has consistently and strongly opposed any effort to restrict the rights of our four million members to speak and have their voices heard on behalf of gun owners nationwide.  The initial version of H.R. 5175 would effectively have put a gag order on the NRA during elections and threatened our members’ freedom of association, by forcing us to turn our donor lists over to the federal government.  We would also have been forced to list our top donors on all election-related television, radio and Internet ads and mailings—even mailings to our own members.  We refuse to let this Congress impose those unconstitutional restrictions on our Association.

The NRA provides critical firearms training for our Armed Forces and law enforcement throughout the country.  This bill would force us to choose between training our men and women in uniform and exercising our right to free political speech. We refuse to let this Congress force us to make that choice.

We didn’t “sell out” to Nancy Pelosi or anyone else.  We told Congress we opposed the bill.  As a result, congressional leaders made a commitment to exempt us from its draconian restrictions on free speech.  If that commitment is honored, we will not be involved in the final House debate.  If that commitment is not fully honored, we will strongly oppose the bill.

Our position is based on principle and experience.  During consideration of the previous campaign finance legislation passed in 2002, congressional leadership repeatedly refused to exempt the NRA from its provisions, promising that our concerns would be fixed somewhere down the line.  That didn’t happen; instead, the NRA had to live under those restrictions for seven years and spend millions of dollars on compliance costs and on legal fees to challenge the law.  We will not go down that road again when we have an opportunity to protect our ability to speak.

There are those who say the NRA has a greater duty to principle than to gun rights. It’s easy to say we should put the Second Amendment at risk over some so-called First Amendment principle – unless you have a sworn duty to protect the Second Amendment above all else, as we do.

The NRA is a bipartisan, single-issue organization made up of millions of individual members dedicated to the protection of the Second Amendment.  We do not represent the interests of other organizations.  That’s their responsibility.  Our responsibility is to protect and defend the interests of our members.  And that we do without apology.

Certainly better, and more powerful than the last statement, and would refute the notion that they are going to reverse their position.

Maybe We Need Counterstrike Gun Myths Articles

Tam extracts some hilarity from the comments over on cracked.com. Kids these days. They think because they play with guns in video games they are experts. If that’s the case, next time I’m flying I’m going to have to tell the pilot “Hey, you should let me land the plane. I’ve done it hundreds of times in the simulator. What could possibly go wrong?”

Maybe we need to start a program to take counterstrike kiddies out to play with real guns. I’ve only gotten to do that once.

Border Issues

Great Satan Inc is noting that the Bureau of Land Management is putting up warning signs about traveling, hiking, or camping in areas close to the border. This is scary:

Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu recently stated that Mexican drug cartels now control parts of Arizona .  It won’t be much longer until they control the Phoenix Metro area, unless our politicians get it in gear and start reclaiming the land that they have already surrendered to drug and human smugglers.

This is a foreign concept for this Pennsylvanian, since the only international border we have in our state is a small maritime border with Canada. This problem isn’t new in our country’s history. Dave Hardy a few weeks ago noted some of Auto Ordinances early marketing touting the Thompson submachine gun as great for defending against border raiders. But we have to face these problems with the same resolve now as we did back then. It’s a shame we can’t reanimate John J. Pershing. We’d get this mess cleared up in no time.

I would say if the Mexican Cartels are seriously controlling parts of Arizona, it’s time for Brewer to mobilize the National Guard and take them back. That’s a situation that can’t be allowed to stand.