Apparently there’s a dead Canada Goose at Camp Perry, which happened when a gaggle of geese flew through the line of fire. Shot perfectly through the neck. You couldn’t make that shot at a flying goose with a rifle if you tried.
4 thoughts on “Do You Get An Alibi for This?”
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They gave the guy an alibi. Although folks seemed to think afterward that a range alibi (disregard the 9 shots that didn’t hit the goose, and have him shoot the string all over) would have been correct, rather than a normal alibi (keep the 9 shots, refire, and take the low shot from the alibi string to fill out the 10 shot string) that he was given.
Anyway… it was epic. You could hear the scorers laughing all up the line. The shooters on that relay, of course, had no idea what happened until after the string was over. I shot a lousy score yesterday, but saw the goose get hit, so it was a great day.
PETA press release forth coming….LOL
Hey, John Kerry missed his fake hunting photo op again!
Makes perfect sense to hunt geese with a rifle; after all, according to Senator Kerry (D-Bizarro world)…
‘I’d have to say deer,’ said the senator. ‘I go out with my trusty 12-gauge double-barrel, crawl around on my stomach … That’s hunting.’