Of course, they could part of the cover-up.
Month: September 2010
Impressions of the Aloha State
Hawaii is one of the last states on my list of states that I have not visited. A visit I count as having spent more than a few hours in outside of an airport. Hawaii is definitely one of the more unique states. Most states have other states that are pretty similar culturally, economically, or geographically. I think it’s safe to say that Hawaii has no other state it shares a lot with.
That’s not to say Hawaii is not American. I’ve heard others try to tell me that Hawaii doesn’t feel like part of the United States; that it is somehow foreign. After being here a few days, I don’t share that impression. Hawaii feels like very much a part of the United States to me. They may be unique among states, and culturally very eclectic, but I think it’s uniquely American.
There’s evidence of an extensive military presence, both past and present here. That probably helps a bit in understanding what country you’re in, but I think what’s really American about Hawaii is it’s one of the most genuinely multicultural places I’ve ever visited. I don’t mean the politically correct view of that, so much as this is a place where there is a true melting pot. Everyone seems to be intermarrying and interbreeding with everyone else, such that I’m not sure you could even successfully classify the race of most people here. In Hawaiian culture, that just doesn’t seem to matter, which is the way things should be.
That’s reflected in the cuisine, which is quite worldly. You do have frequent use of tropical ingredients, which would be expected, and the Asian food here is excellent, even at the cheap places, but still quite a lot of fusion. We’ve been trying to eat at places frequented more by locals than by tourists, except for dinner last night, which we had at what was the Sydney Airport Bar in “Lost”. Down on Waikiki, and actually a pretty great bar.
Speaking of locals though, Hawaii is legitimately very cheesy. You’d tend to think Hawaiian shirts, Hula, “Aloha!” and “Mahalo!” stuff was put on for tourists, but they really seem to talk and dress like that. Residents seem to live the Hawaiian stereotypes, or at least some of them Hawaii is also one of the friendliest states I’ve visited. Everyone is nice. Service is great. Even away from the tourist haunts. Hawaiians seem to be genuinely happy people who want to help make other people happy. Philadelphia is an angry, gritty area. This is a happy place. Everyone is laid back. Spend a little time here, and you’ll see why.
Still have more of Oahu to see, then over to the Big Island, where hopefully I can find some lava to poke with a stick. It’s a highly scientific way of dealing with newly encountered phenomena. If I get to poke some lava, I’ll definitely be taking some Aloha back with me.
Required Reading for CCW Holders
Marty and Gila Hayes run the Shooting Academy of Seattle. Marty is also the founder of the Armed Citizens’ Legal Defense Network which provides help to those involved in a self-defense shooting.
In conjunction with this organization, they publish an e-journal which gives details of self-defense shootings and the legal aftermath. The September 2010 issue is about the case of Larry Hickey of Tucson, AZ.
Mr. Hickey was involved in a self-defense shooting when he was attacked by three neighbors in his own driveway. Due to sloppy police work, he ended up being charged with aggravated assault and spent 71 days in jail. His case ended in a hung jury the first time it was tried and an acquittal the second time around. Without the expert testimony of Massad Ayoob in the second trial, who knows what would have happened.
This was recommended to me by Gail Pepin who is part of the group putting on the ProArms Podcast. She thought it should be required reading for anyone with a CCW. Just because you are in the right doesn’t mean it will be easy to clear your name in case of a self-defense shooting.
Crazy Right Wing Violence
The future is here, I guess
Robots made by General Atomics are patrolling the border of the US. Now, do I get a luxury vacation in orbit, or do I get to hide in a hole from Skynet’s minions?
Crazed gunman brings the crazy
If you don’t have CNN on next to you; here’s what’s happening at Discovery Channel HQ. Short of it – One James Lee allegedly stormed into the lobby of Discovery Channel HQ with metallic canisters strapped to him and waving a handgun around. (Link to a live blog – most recent at top)
His brand of nuttiness seems to be “environmentalism”; claiming that the channel that brings you Whale Wars needs to “stop encouraging the birth of any more parasitic human infants.”
Another “bitter clinger”, apparently.
(Also, side note: Sebastian, no Whale Wars category?)
UPDATE: Shot to death per AP via Yahoo. Bomb did detonate, no other injuries.
Brady Reaction Exactly as I Thought
It’s a shame I was too busy traveling to offer the prediction that the Brady folk would react to NRA refusal to endorse Harry Reid by trying to argue the Democrats can’t be good enough for NRA and that they have nothing to gain by supporting the Second Amendment. Because that’s exactly the argument Dennis Henigan is making.
Open Carry Ban Rejected by California Senate
I can’t remember the last time the California legislature actually voted down a new gun control law, but that appears to have happened. Are the gun control groups losing their juice even in the California Legislature? I’m sure even in California, politicians have more to gain than they have to lose by voting down stuff like this.
NJ Firearms Forum plug
One of the places I can be found arguing on a forum is the NJ Gun Forums, which is a pretty handy resource for shooting in the Garden State. One of the things I found there was this handy google maps mashup showing the location of our hidden rebel bases guns stores and ranges across New Jersey.