Self-Defense Opponents Won’t Give Up

I have a headache. I don’t think it was caused by beating my head against the wall over getting a simple bill like Castle Doctrine passed, but I’m pretty sure that’s why it won’t go away.

Good News: Today there should be movement in the Senate. (Link courtesy of reader Adam Z.) This is particularly important because of this is the week it has to pass to make it to the Governor’s desk.

Bad News: Reports that the anti’s just won’t give up on this one. This may mean a problem with amendments. If any amendments are added, the bill is dead. There’s no opportunity for the House to take it up again. It must be a clean bill.

Back to what makes this so infuriating: How on earth does a bill that passed the House by a 4-1 margin end up being so hard to pass through the legislature? This isn’t even a gun bill, it’s an issue of clarifying the self-defense laws!

2 thoughts on “Self-Defense Opponents Won’t Give Up”

  1. I know that feeling. The headache gets worse when another pro-gun group gets involved and undercuts your hard work.

    After my experience in Georgia, I’m convinced all Judges must have legislative experience. Those tyrants in black robes overturn work that takes years without a cursory thought.

  2. Every Pennsylvanian who believes in the right to defend themselves and their families needs to be calling the offices of all the PA Senate Judiciary Members, RIGHT NOW, and ask them to bring HB40 to the Senate floor for consideration with NO AMENDMENTS.

    Contact information is in the link below:

    CALL NOW!!! We need the full weight of PA self-defense proponents to come down on the Senate Judiciary immediately!

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