Cam Edwards will be covering the event live at NRA News. Since I unplugged my cable, this is where I’m going to be watching.
UPDATE: So far not a lot of applause… it makes it go faster. Always rip the band aid off quickly.
UPDATE: Politicians love to talk about math and science, but we’re laying off people in math and science right now. If we have a shortage of people gifted in this, why is this the case?
UPDATE: Cam Edwards notes “Investment = SPEND!”
UPDATE: He’s talking Sputnik. Time for another Manhattan. He’s basically talking about how we need the government to spur innovation. Because, you know, there was never any innovation without government.
UPDATE: Oh god, now it’s green energy. Green energy is a scam if we’re not talking nuclear energy. Blah blah blah, evil oil companies. Blah blah blah. Does anyone believe green jobs is going to save the economy anymore?
UPDATE: He wants everyone to be teachers. The NRA News folks are joking because that means they’ll all be on the government dime, and the Democratic Party can get more donations from the NRA.
UPDATE: Obama says he wants to solve the problem of “undocumented workers.” How? I want a Cessna Citation Mustang too, you know.
UPDATE: Now he’s talking high speed rail, which means thousands of lefties across the country are suddenly becoming aroused. High speed rail is just like that for the left.
UPDATE: He wants to double our exports by 2014. This must by we’re debasing the dollar.
UPDATE: I think a Unicorn just farted a rainbow.
UPDATE: Now Health Care. This is where I really need another Manhattan.
UPDATE: Obama talking about controlling our national debt is like Jeffry Dahmer lecturing us on keeping Kosher. He wants a spending freeze. The freeze will apparently require painful cuts. *boggle* What? I should have made this a double.
UPDATE: We have to cut social security, apparently, without cutting social security.
UPDATE: Now talk of Salmon. Cam Edwards says “A Lox on both your houses.”
UPDATE: Apparently we’re beating the Towlieban. A terrorist version of this?
UPDATE: Obama endorses gays in the military. Good for him. This is something I support him on.
UPDATE: This speech read a lot better than Obama delivered it. Which is really surprising to me. The magic is gone. This guy is a much more talented candidate than he is a President. He is no Bill Clinton. He’s not even in the same universe.