Airing this Wednesday. I’m wondering what myth they are busting, exactly? Maybe that silencers actually make a gun silent, rather than just quieter? If you need any more evidence to believe that suppressors are going mainstream, this is it.
Month: May 2011
Update on Texas Campus Carry
I’m very eager to see this bill move, if only because this issue drives our opponents into raving madness. I don’t blame them. When your defensive action is guns in schools, if not yet completely politically irrelevant, you’re certainly on your way. Looks like they are trying to attach it to various other bills before the end of the session.
If I had to bet money, I don’t think it’ll pass this year.
Like You and Me, Only Better
Apparently a New Jersey state trooper used his undercover ID to get out of liability for an accident he was in, causing a multi-year investigation by the accident victim and his lawyer. Looks like the State Police may have helped cover it up too.
Religious Intolerance
New York Times and Due Process
Here is a chilling and potentially lethal fact of life: A person on the F.B.I.’s terrorist watch list is barred from boarding an airplane yet is quite free to buy high-power firearms and ammunition at any American gun shop.
How about this:
Here is a chilling and potentially lethal fact of life: A person on the F.B.I.’s terrorist watch list is barred from boarding an airplane yet is quite free to buy books on military tactics and infiltration techniques at any American book store.
Or this:
Here is a chilling and potentially lethal fact of life: A person on the F.B.I.’s terrorist watch list is barred from boarding an airplane yet are not being detained in military brigs, and are free to walk any American street.
Or finally this:
Here is a chilling and potentially lethal fact of life: A person on the F.B.I.’s terrorist watch list is barred from boarding an airplane yet is still entitled to continue practicing Islam in any American mosque.
No. All those other things I mentioned are fundamental rights the New York Times agrees with and would defend viciously. Clearly the editorial staff at the Times has not yet accepted the full implications of Heller and McDonald, which is that you can’t deny someone the right to buy a gun because of their presence on a secret government list.
Beer + Raccoon + Small Pistol = Skin Graft
Apparently an Oregon woman is looking at some skin grafts after she shot the tip of her finger off trying to shoot a raccoon with a .25 caliber Beretta. You know any story involving a gun, beer, and a raccoon is not going to end well:
Asked if she had been drinking, the woman told the deputy, “one beer.â€Â The bullet missed the raccoon.
I’m not buying one beer, and I’m guessing the deputy isn’t either. My guess is, based on the story, she gripped the small pistol in a way that her left middle finger was covering the barrel.
Bitter Irony
Only to The Brady Campaign
Showing up at a press conference is now considered spying. They are claiming NRA misrepresented themselves, claiming to be CBS News. Personally, I think this is brilliant if that’s the case. We have to be willing to do whatever it takes to ruin their credibility, and demoralize them.
Here’s the coverage NRA News got. You will notice the Brady video is filmed as such an angle you can’t tell Paul Helmke is speaking to an empty room.
UPDATE: I understand that this is apparently a mistake on the part of NRA News, and Cam apologized to the Brady Campaign tonight on the air. Apparently their contractor they used failed to properly represent himself. I believe this, since I remember retweeting something from Cam this regard a few days ago. So Cam is either being honest here, or very bad at subterfuge. I would say the former, but I would bet Brady won’t update to correct the spying allegations.
Two RTC Bills in Wisconsin
Hearings are being scheduled for two competing right-to-carry bills in the Wisconsin legislature, one which would make the state shall-issue with pretty similar requirements to Pennsylvania (e.g. no training requirement). The other bill would allow carrying concealed without a license.
Tory Victory in Canada
The recent election gains by the Conservative Party in Canada probably means their long gun registry will go poof. This is significant, because I believe it will be the first time internationally any developed, Democratic country, other than the United States, has rolled back a major gun control law.